Purchase order and provision

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > External production > Purchase order and provision

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production > External production.



Default item for purchase order

Pricing for purchase order

Choose supplier

Consider special price list

Consider supplier´s special price lists?

Enabled by default. See Pricing for purchase order


Note: In Precalculation scale prices are not supported.

(Variable fagspecialprice)

Warehouse = production warehouse

Consider login rules

Number range for provision

Select between primary or external: Normal purchase orders are created, currently in „primary“-range of numbers. As for purchase you can  select a different range of numbers. To use this feature, an additional number range must be set up for purchase orders in SAP. This number range can then be selected here.

Open provision parts screen immediately?

Provision address

Determines, whether to use in provision document (SAP transfer document) the address and name of supplier or the address and name of the warehouse (beas 9.1 PL: 08, ext_adr=S)

UDF1  - UDF4

Free Fields 1-4 without DataSource. It is only an empty string field, which you can fill with own data with script.

Note: It is recommended to use template fields.



External operation


Issue / Reservation window

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202106/index.html?bestellung_und_beistellung2.htm