WMS Picklist for Production

Production > Work order general > WO structure > Issue / Reservations screen > WMS Picklist for Production

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In this window you can create a request for picking to production.

See WMS settings

See WMS Picklist for production workflow.


PATH: Production > Work orders > right-click a WO or BoM position

Note: You can also access the function by multiple selection of WO Headers/positions and BoM positions.



The window is based on the Beas Reservation/Allocation window structure with only one bottom screen section.

Window settings are available.


Window wmspickproduction.psr

hmtoggle_plus1  Header (Functions)



Assign quantity

With this option the user can manually pre-assign quantities for each material line based on the equivalent amount of the parent product. In the quantity field you can specify the quantity of the parent product. Apply changes for the selected lines.


To manufacture 1 product A, you need:

2 MA
3 MB
20 MA
30 MB
2 * 2 = 4 MA
2 * 3 = 6 MB
If Quantity is <= 0, the status bar message appears: "a quantity is required for pre-assigning"
if Quantity is > 0, calculation is made for each Material in the list, considering part of the quantity of this BoM according to the Parent Quantity Field on the pre-assign button. Consider proportion of calculated scrap quantity. The result will be in the Column "Request" of the Material List.
If you have reservations, the system will assign the reserved quantity to the right matrix.
Beas create a transfer request document in background. This don't support any Bin management system. It is possible to choose item from bin managed warehouse, but the bin location information is not saved in the transfer request document

Pre-assign / All pre-assign



Pre-assign: Action will be performed for all marked entries

All pre-assign: Action will be performed for all entries


The warehouse inventory will be pre-assigned to the requirement automatically with the following sorting rules and filter rules:


1. Reserved goods (not in reservation process)

2. Allocation warehouse  (see Allocation window)

3. Default warehouse as per BoM or standard warehouse of the item

4. Warehouse ID


Within this, batches and serial numbers are sorted by the withdrawal rule according to the Configuration wizard.

See: Configuration wizard


Normal items (not batch- or serial number related) will be pre-allocated only if the issue method was set to "automatic" in the Item master. See Item master – Issue method


Note: Allocation warehouse is set up per work station. See Allocation window.



Batch and serial numbers


Within this, batches and serial numbers are sorted by withdrawal rules according to the Configuration wizard.

See Configuration wizard – Backflushing




Only warehouses allowed to be used for the relevant process are considered (Reservation, issue etc.)

See extended warehouse settings

Available at General settings > Warehouse > Warehouse master data > Extended


Window bin_whs_edit.psr



SAP Bin Management not supported.

In this column you can see the requirement.

For Plan Quantity the system calculates with the Rounding system.

Requirement = the calculated Quantity - Booked Quantity

The Requirement is not rounded again.


But if you PreAssign the quantities, the system rounds the result again.



Plan Quantity = 4.5, Round = multiple of 2. Requirement = 6

Issue document for 5 Pcs, Requirement is 1

Click on PreAssign: The system defines 2 Pcs, because it works with rounding "multiply of".



Example: You wor with pallets. Multiple is 1

You need 0.2 Pallets per Pcs.

But for every receipt + backflushing process you need a pallet and not part of a pallet.

This is the reason that the system MUST use the rounding concept for every partial receipt and related issue document.

In the reservation window, material issue window and in provision window you can apply customer-specific rules for automatic pre-allocation.


PATH: Production > Work orders structure > right-click an entry > "Reservation".


Window resevation_set_master.psr


These extended rules can be stored in the function "workordermanagement.src". (In project folder)

Depending on the window a specific function is called, for example for reservations setres_reservation()


For more information see


UserEvents for PreAssign


All Mark

Mark all entries in the requirement window section.

Pre-assignment delete

Delete pre-assignment of quantities for the selected lines.

Create request

Create a picklist proposal or picklist proposal + picking list based on the Configuration wizard WMS settings.


When pressing the button Create request, the Produmex icon on the right turns gray, indicating that the proposal has been created.
The icons represent the two responding, running services of the two products. See WMS Picklist for production workflow.

Demand Date

The date for the picking to be processed.


Free text.

hmtoggle_plus1  Requirement area – Field descriptions




Status of the row displayed with an icon.




Clock icon: the command is pending to be processed by WMS.


Gray barrel: If Beas requested quantity is greater than 0.


Half gray - half green barrel: If picked quantity is greater than 0, and picked quantity is less than planned quantity.


Green (full) barrel: If picked quantity is = planned quantity.


Red overflown green barrel: If picked quantity is greater than planned quantity.


Error in the process, e.g. problem in the services or communication, or insufficient inventory.
See Protocol


Work order document number


Work order document position

Bill of Materials Pos

Bill of Materials position

Bill of Materials Pos ID

Bill of Materials position ID




Item Description

Planned quantity

Total requirement without consideration of the reserved quantity.

Color codes:

RED: If planned quantity is greater than inventory quantity.

BLUE: If planned quantity is greater than 0 and less than inventory quantity.
BLACK: in all other cases

Beas requested

The quantity requested from WMS by Beas.

Picklist Proposal

Quantity already requested.

Pending request

Quantity pending to


Picked quantity

Color codes:

RED: If picked quantity is greater than Beas requested quantity.

BLACK: in all other cases

Pending picking

Quantity remaining to be picked from Planned quantity minus Beas request- and Picklist proposal quantities.

Pending quantity to pick from a picklist.


Editing field to indicate the manually or automatically preassigned Quantity to request for the selected Material.

Entering the value is mandatory.


Complete inventory of all warehouses.


Color codes:

RED: If Inventory quantity is less or equal to 0, or if this quantity is less than the pending requirement.

GREEN: in all other cases.


Inventory UoM


Warehouse number

Warehouse name

Warehouse name


Item Version

WMS Production Line

WMS Production Line.

Modify Production line selection manually from the editable dropdown.
The line checks if the resource has a Production line, otherwise it applies the position production line.


Automatic assignation:
When defined in the Warehouse rules, Warehouse master or Resource master linked to the current WO position, any change in the related fields is automatically updated here.


NOTE: The mass change of production lines is only possible when the warehouse is the same.


Reserved quantity

hmtoggle_plus1Inventory list area – Field descriptions




Status of the row displayed with an icon.




Gray barrel: If picked quantity = 0, it is gray.


Half gray - half green barrel: If picked quantity is less than picklist proposal quantity.


Green barrel (full): If picked quantity is equal to picklist proposal quantity.


Red overflown green barrel: If picked quantity is greater than picklist proposal quantity.


Error in the process, e.g. problem in the services or communication, or insufficient inventory.
See Protocol


Picklist ID

Picklist ID number

WMS Production Line

WMS Production Line


The quantity requested from WMS by Beas.

Picklist Proposal

Picklist proposal quantity.


Color codes:

RED: If picklist proposal quantity is less than Beas requested quantity.

BLACK: in all other cases.


Picked quantity


Color codes:

BLACK: If picked quantity is equal to 0.

BLUE: If picked quantity is less than or equal to picklist proposal quantity

RED: in all other cases

Pending picking

Quantity remaining to be picked from Planned quantity minus Beas request- and Picklist proposal quantities.

Pending quantity to pick from a picklist.


Inventory UoM

WO Doc Position

Work order document position


Status of document:

- Open
- Closed


Date of request.

Created by

The user who registered the request.

hmtoggle_plus1(Right-click) Functions




Close window without saving changes.


Reload window.


Search requirement

Filter: All

Lines which have been posted are also displayed.

Filter: Required

Standard view. Only lines which have not been posted are displayed.

Inventory history

Open Inventory history for the item.


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?wms_production_receipt.htm