Beas Universal Function

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Via Universal Functions different functions can be created. These functions can be stored in the window or in menus.

Beas Universal Functions can be used within the SAP Business One – environment, as well as outside the SAP Business One – environment (e.g. Terminal)

B1UP Universal Functions can only be used inside the SAP Business One – environment.


Therefore, to use Beas Universal Functions, you must first install B1 Usability Package (2018.05 or later) and Beas 9.3 or later.
The administration of Beas Universal Functions can be accessed in the following manner:
Path for Universal Functions that apply to a window:

Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module Configuration > Beas Usability Extension: "Beas Customizing Administration" window.

Path for Universal Functions that apply to a button:

Right-click in the window > Beas Usability Package > Integration Icon b1up-iconSetup Overview.


The Beas Customizing Administration window lists all the existing Universal Functions in the system. See Beas Usability Extension Overview.
To add a new function, click on the New Function button and the Beas Universal Function window pops up.

IMPORTANT: The Beas window used in the function must be opened in the background in order for Beas to automatically set the window name in the Universal Function. Otherwise, the user must type it manually.

The reason Beas does not have a dropdown list is that it has a large number of windows. If there is a Universal Function which is not window-related, there is the option for the Window Name called “Any Window” and no window should be opened in the background.


hmtoggle_plus1 Adding new Universal Functions with the Beas Customizing Administration.

Open the Beas Customizing Administration window and click on "New Function" button to create a new function.
IMPORTANT: There is an access directly from the Edit Function Button window to create a function: Beas Customizing Administration > Edit function buttons > Edit button. Just click on the button_menucreate icon right of the Function field on the right and a new window opens. Click New.
The following window is displayed:

Window sys_button_edit.psr


The window consists of two parts:

Header: Definition of the Universal Function,

Bottom: The appropriate input fields depending on the selected Type (SQL Report, Script, Message, or External Launcher).
The fields are described by type in details in the following table:


Universal Function Definition

The Header window section:




This is a unique value. If this field is not set manually, the system automatically assigns a unique code when you click "Add". It is recommended to use the code assigned by Beas.


Field used to define a name to the function.

Window Name

Window where the function should be created. The window must be open. All open windows are available for selection. It is filled in automatically when creating the UF with a right-click in a Beas window.

Attention: This field appears empty if the user creates the UF from the Beas Customizing Administration functionality.


The following 4 types of universal functions can be created:

SQL Report

Enables the creation of lists. See UF SQL Report.


Executes scripts. See UF Script.


Displays message, error message, information etc. See UF Message.

External Launcher

Runs external programs, display webpages or other media, direct printing of documents via Windows commands.
See UF External Launcher



Field used to include a short description of the function.


Field used to set a category defined in B1UP. Configuration groups can also be defined here.

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