UF Script

Administration > Add-ons > beas usability extension  > beas Universal Function > UF Script

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PATH: Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module configuration > Beas usability extension >

1. Click New Function button >

2. select "Type": Script.


With the help of the Script Universal Function you can enable the execution of scripts.
For field descriptions of Header See: Universal Function Definition

Window sys_function_edit.psr
Field descriptions highlighted:
Language: Select in which language the script is to be written. Currently, only beas script is available.
Script: Field used to add the script that will be executed once this function is used. To start writing the script, click on the SQLeditoricon icon, then click on the Create Script Assistant icon Create script assistant in the beas script Editor. See beas script assistant


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?uf_script.htm