Sales (Pegging setting)

MRP > MRP Wizard > MRP scenario planning > Detail > Pegging and replenishment > Sales (Pegging setting)

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Detailed MRP scenario settings related to Sales documents.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Open button > Detail tab.





Sales order

Order line has not been closed
Open quantity is greater than zero
Approved SBO > Customer order > "Logistics" tab,  "approved" enabled or "Also unapproved customer orders" are enabled


It is an assembly or the purchase part is included in item area, defined in  „Item“
Delivery date within the period to be computed
If it falls in the Sales Order Filter

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Edit button > Detail tab.


Also unapproved customer orders

In the Sales Order an order can be approved. Beas only loads approved sales orders, unless this option is enabled.


If you need another filter, you can define this in Sales Order Filter

(Field ORDR.Confirmed)

Customer order reserve invoice

When this parameter is enabled, the reserve order invoices are included in the MRP calculation. If this option is disabled, the sales order for which a customer order reserve invoice was created is no longer considered because SAP closes the sales order. In this case, the requirement originator is now the customer order reserve invoice, not the sales order. In order for this to be included in the MRP as the requirement originator, this option must be enabled.

The sequence therefore changes in SAP from sales order -> delivery note to sales order -> invoice -> delivery note.

This option is disabled by default

Blanket agreement

Only Specific and Approved statuses are considered.

PATH: Purchasing > Purchase Blanket Agreement.


If the sum of requirements of sales order linked to a specific blanket agreement is lower than quantity in the blanket agreement itself, Beas creates order recommendations for the quantity difference.


Formula to calculate pending quantity of one agreement is as follows:

Agreement Quantity (OAT1.PlanQty) - (Quantity already sent (OAT1.CumQty) + Quantity Pending from all open sales orders linked to the Agreement (SUM (RDR1.OpenQty))

Sales Order open quantity is affected by SAP parameter "Reopen Doc.  by creating returns/Goods return/ Credit notes based on Doc."


Important: In the blanket agreement details, you need to define the date or the recurring period.


Consider calculation

If this option is activated, pre-calculations are taken into consideration.

If a pre-calculation is mapped to a customer order item, the material requirement for the customer order is not based on the master data but on the stored pre-calculations.

Note:  Lead time is not calculated. Requirement dates do not take into account any processing times included in the calculation.


Breakdown, order and stock related sub assemblies: See Activity Log


Consider SCM

Option visible only, if the View "BEAS_SCM_MRP" exists. This is the case, if the View is installed for example when activating the SCM-solution.


Configuration of the View












Project code



Reference to sales order number or Purchase order number



Sales order (= "sal") or Purchase (="pur")

Determines, dealing with a purchase or a sales order.



Delivery date. Configuration: yyyy/mm/dd






Sales order number or Purchase order number



Saler order or purchase order row



Item version number.
Following values are considered:



No version number


Version number according to item master

<version nr>

Indicated version number (Will not be checked  further)



Indicated item version number. No item version will be applied at NULL/Entry.

Stored entries are treated as sales orders. For further information please see the SCM documentation.

Breakdown subassemblies

If this option is activated, subassemblies from sales area are broken down. Enabled by default.

Example: There is the following structure for item “A”:

Finished Goods “A”

 Assembly “B”

         Purchase Item “C”

If the switch is enabled, Beas displays requirement for all three items: “A”, “B” and “C”.

If the switch is disabled, Beas displays requirement only for item “A”. In this case, Assembly “B” is not further broken down. Purchase Item “C” is not displayed as a requirement.


Example of use: Disable the switch if you do not manufacture everything. Disabling this option allows you to decide at the time of scheduling to decide, whether to produce or to purchase.

Further information See: Requirement coverage calculation

Sales Order Filter and UDF for Sales Order and Reserve Invoice

You can create up to 4 user defined fields, which you can see in the inflow or outflow area.

A UDF is a combination of a title and an SQL statement.


Beas reads this information and displays this in the UDF field

If the order line is an assembly and a work order does not exist, Beas explodes the order line and inserts the information in all sub-level areas, as well.



Assembly "A" has a bill of material position "A1". In the order line you defined a UDF called "Color".



In the Sales Order you can activate this column to be displayed.




In the MRP Wizard > Details tab > Sales > Sales Order Filter and UDF for Sales Order and Reserve Invoice can define up to 4 UDF fields.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Edit button > Detail tab.


Window system_option_struktur.psr


When you click on the SQL icon, you can define the value of the UDF.

See SQL Editor.


1.You can see a test SQL statement. The SQL that you define is inserted in the "<userfield>" area.
2.All available tables are displayed. In this example: OITM, RDR1 and ORDR.   Beas will replace ORDR/RDR1 with OINV/INV1 for reading Invoices.
3.This area shows all fields of the selected table. Double-click on the element to insert into the editor. If this is a column that is a number or date type, Beas inserts the syntax to convert to string. The COALESCE command replace NULL values to an empty string. If you click on an additional column, Beas inserts || to allocate the string (HANA style). If you are working with MSSQL, Beas converts the string at runtime back to the MSSQL syntax.
4.Click the "Execute" button to test the command. The correct command is indicated with  a message in green font below.



In the Order Recommentation - Inflow/Outflow Area - Window setting you can activate the UDFs to show.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario and click the Order Recommendation button > Choose Window settings from the right-click menu.



After recalculating of the MRP, you can see the result (the color in this example) in the assembly and material position and in the bill of materials.



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Sales Order Filter

Additional filters can be defined for the sales order.

Example: Read only sales orders for one project, for one custmer, only for one itemcode.

You can define a SQL statement. See SQL Editor.

The following tables available: ORDR,RDR1 and OITM.

This is working for sales orders only and not for pre-invoices.

PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Edit button > Detail tab.




Only Items starting with A and C

substring("OITM"."ItemCode",1,1) between 'A' and 'C'

Only Customer with Id C003


Only if Line UDF "Color" is red or blue

"RDR1"."U_color" in ('red','blue')


Compatibility information: This replace the Variable mrp.src.of_start Variable "mrp_auftragfreigabe". If you have defined this variable in the file mrp.src: Delete it!

beas 9.3 PL 1

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