Purchase (Pegging setting)

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Detailed MRP scenario settings related to Purchase documents.



Purchase order

If you activate this option, purchase orders are taken into consideration in MRP calculations. This makes consistent balance calculations possible. When disabled, purchase orders are completely ignored.

Value non approved orders

If activated non-approved orders are included in the MRP balance calculation. When disabled, the non-approved purchase orders are completely ignored.

Evaluate blocked Pur.Orders

If this option is activated, blocked purchase orders are are included in the balance calculation.

Purchase quotations show

If enabled, purchase quotations are only displayed . Usually, this is not needed, because purchase quotations are also displayed in the window on the right (currently planned receipts).

Purchase quotations valuate

Can only be selected, if the Purchase quotations show  option is enabled. Activate this option to use the purchase quotations in balance calculations. This is used, if purchase quotations are used for other purposes, for example for planned receipts.

SAP Purchase request show

If activated, Beas displays the purchase requests created by the SAP Business one purchase request module.

SAP Purchase request valuate

If activated, Beas include purchase request created by SAP the Business one purchase request module in the calculation.

Attention: A request is not an order document. Please check your desired workflow, before activating the option.

Blanket agreement

Only Specific and Approved statuses are considered.

The requirement is not included to the balance calculation, but displayed in grey. Only when a demand was called off by a sales order is the requirement considered in the balance.


Important: In the blanket agreement details, you need to define the date or the recurring period.

Display Draft Pur.Order

If this option is activated, the draft purchase orders are displayed in the MRP run.

Value Draft Pur.Order

Can only be selected, if the Display Draft Pur.Order option is enabled. If this option is activated, buffered purchase orders are included in the balance calculation. Use this, if drafted purchase orders are used for planned receipts.

Recurring orders

Enable this option, to support the "recurring transactions" SAP Business One function in MRP.

Purchase order reserve invoice

If this option is activated, reserve order invoices are taken into consideration. This option is activated by default.

Reserve invoices are displayed in MRP as long as they are not delivered or closed.

Follow up manual returns

If this option is activated, purchasing returns created without a reference to a goods receipt are displayed as a negative or positive inflow (selection).

If goods are returned and a replacement delivery is expected without a new purchase order being created, a manual return can be created without a reference to the goods receipt. As soon as the delivery takes place, the return is closed.

Important: Manual returns are considered in the requirement coverage calculation.

Demands for Purchase Order

If this option is activated, purchase requests from Beas, created from order recommendation are used in the calculation.

Display SCM order schedule


Only available if an SCM Module is installed. If only this option is selected, order schedule is displayed in gray, the calculated balance is not affected.

If option is enabled, order schedule is displayed in gray, the calculated balance is not affected. See consider SCM

Valuate SCM order schedule

Only available if an SCM Module is installed. If this option is enabled, the planning run behaves just like forSAP Business One orders. Balance calculation takes into account the order schedule. See consider SCM

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?purchase_pegging_setting.htm