Edit documents

Production > Quality control > QC inspection plan > Edit QC inspection plan > Documents > Edit documents

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Documents attached to the QC-order are defined here.


QC-inspection plan

 Edit QC-inspection plan

         Master data                

         Measurement positions        



                 Edit documents

                 Master data        Basic information regarding this document

                 Text                direct entry of text (Type = Text)

                 Condition        Under which condition to be used

                 Execution        Script – executed when document is opened.


PATH: Production > Quality control > QC inspection plan > Open an entry > "Documents" tab > Open/Add.


Window qs_qsartikelattachment_edit.psr


Master data




Text: text can be entered directly (Text tab). See Text

File: A file can be selected.

IMPORTANT: A file need to be located in a folder accessible by all employees.



Only information field, category can be entered freely. All previously used categories can be selected.


Description of the document.


IMPORTANT: Attach a file containing various information or other measurements to the inspection plan. You can insert images or various documents, like MS Excel sheets with information.

The file needs to be located in a folder accessible by all employees.

See File settings.


Programs to view the file need to be installed on every station. Beas does not display the content.


This can be used to ensure that the user could view documents before registering measured values.


Beas logs, when and on which station the user viewed the document.


no: User does not confirm the document.


single time: User needs only once to confirm the document. Refers to the inspection plan, not the file name.

If the document is changed, a new confirmation can be made necessary. To do: right-click - reset - confirm.


once per order: user needs to confirm the document for every QC-order.


Use button "Confirmed" to view all previous confirmations.

Copy file

Copy is linked to the QC-order. This can be used if additional information is entered directly to the document.

When you open the file to modify it according to the latest changes, this function will create a copy in the system. See File



Version number of the documents – information only.


Release document: if not active is will not be transferred to the QC-order.

Release by

Released by whom- automatically filled.

Release date

When released - automatically filled.


Icon for view in documents list.


Display in documents list.



Tab only visible if "Text" was selected as "Type" . A text can be entered, for example a work briefing, information on checks etc. In the QC-order only the entered text is displayed. Storing a file is not possible.



Determine whether the document is transferred to the QC-order.



Valid from

Only if no date of validity was entered, or if the date is smaller than the current date.  The creation date of the QC-order serves as reference, not the valuation date of the dependent document.

Valid to

Only if no date of validity was entered, or if the date is later than the current date.

Business partner

Only if no business partner was entered or in the dependent document ( for example goods receipt) the same business partner was stored.

Item rule

Only if the rule in Item – Quality control matches or if the field is empty.


Add script.



If a script is entered, it will be executed instead of opening the document.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?qs_qsartikelattachment_edit.htm