
Human Resources > Personnel list > Personnel Master data > Edit Personnel Master data  > FDC

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 Personnel master data        

         Edit master data




                 Editing rights


PATH: Human Resources > Personnel > Open an entry. > Personnel administration XXX > Master Data tab > FDC tab.                        


Window bde_personal_edit.psr





Up to 6 Resources can be entered. Logon via Pool list to view all operations which are assigned to one of these  6 resources. A valid resource ID needs to be entered. From "Resource 2" placeholders can be used "%" or 010%: for all resource IDs starting with 010.


The % character needs to be at the end. Additional %-characters are not allowed.




Resource 1: % or _ not allowed.

Resource 2-6: % or _ allowed.



Beas checks this rule in

- Work list - personnel filter

- Login and logout

- Pool list

- Time receipt


Important: This resource rule is not checked in Quick input app and functions linked with it.




Machine Grouping

If active, the employee can work on multiple machines in parallel (beas_pers.machine grouping 1/0). Terminal > work order login.

Work Order Grouping

If active, the employee can log on to multiple orders at once (beas_pers.work order grouping 1/0). Terminal > work order login.

Allow logon to op. sequ. of all pools

if active, the employee can also log on via bar code to positions which are not in the active pool. Only affects Terminal > work order login. Affects only the Terminal – Order login.

Resource selectable

Determine whether the employee may change the resource at login and logout to work order

Yes = Any resource may be selected.

No = Resource is predetermined; it may not be changed: only the resource in the position (or the resources belong to the group in the position) are allowed.

Alternative = Employee may choose between the default resource ("No" option) and alternative resource.




If the default resource is a resource group, you may choose between the resources of the group. This has a higher priority than the setting "alternative".


With the setting "Yes" only the resources set up in Personnel > FDC (Resource 1–6) or stored in station settings are displayed.


Column: ressourcenwechsel 0=No, 1=Yes, 2=alternativ, Standard=1 (Yes)

Cost center selectable

Determines whether the “Charge to Cost Center” field is displayed and can be changed for Time Receipt Logoff window

Cost Elements selectable

Determines whether the “Charge to Element” field is displayed and can be changed for Time Receipt Logoff window

Time type can be selected

Determines whether the “Time Type” field is displayed and can be changed for Work order logoff (and only there). Default: Active.

Logon time type

Time types (setup, processing, quality control, machine time, etc.) the employee may select for at work order login and logout. The names of the fields can be defined in Configuration wizard > Master data > Resources and are selected here using the applicable check box.

QC Release

Activate if the employee is allowed to release goods in QC.


Note: editing a time receipt, these rules do not apply. Type type, resources, cost centers etc. are always selectable. The pool is not taken into account. No consideration in case of login via MDE, as in this case an offline-solution is working.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?personal_bde.htm