Pooling, Scheduling

Production > Capacity Planning, APS > Pooling, Scheduling

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This batch function defines pools or recalculates all pools.


PATH: Production > Capacity Planning > Pooling, scheduling.


Window fert_pool_batch.psr




Also current pool?

Should the current pool also be calculated? If disabled, all pools except the first one are recalculated.

If enabled, all pools are recalculated. Make sure that no employee is working operations of the current pool, because the pool list is recalculated and current orders may not be displayed anymore.

Only resource

Select the resource to be considered for pooling.

The calculation can be started with the Start button.

An automated calculation can be scheduled, for example to run during the night. For this the calculate pool event is available in activity administration.


Also see:

Pool Control

Capacity planning



Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?poolbildung_terminierung.htm