External production (default)

Production > External Production > External production > External production (default)

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Although external production is a service, for example powder coating, which is provided by a supplier. However, it is created as an "Item"

Important: Do not create as a stock item! As a planning method Scheduling is chosen and as a Procurement Methode "Buy".

For recurring items, it is advisable to assign a unique item number as this simplifies price determination.


External operation

In the operation catalog a new operation for external processing needs to be created with acitve properties "external" and "create purchase order"

In the Work Order a new Operation e.g: 1000 "external processing" is created. To this operation the supplier and the item is assigned.



A resource for outsourcing is required. In this resource an external cost type needs to be stored.


External warehouse

An external warehouse needs to be set up and assigned to a supplier. see extended warehouse settings


Further settings:



Important: You can specify the price, but it will be overwritten by price determination.

Pricing is defined in the Beas Menu under Configuration wizard > Production > External production > Purchase Order and Provision

Select an option for the default item (e.g.: Powder coating) and the preferred setting for pricing (e.g.: Last purchase price). This price determination applies to all items.


Work Order

An external work order is defined by including an external resource. There are the following possibilities for creating work orders:

- Unique external production: first select the work order, then pick out the appropriate operation using the context menu (right mouse button)

then chose [Create Purchase Order].

- Several selected work orders: chose the desired work orders (press left mouse button, a red plus appears) after this using the context menu (right mouse button) select Collective Purchase Order.

- All work orders in the system: beas. menu: Production > External production > Collective Purchase Order.

A new window "External production > collective purchase order" opens.


Collective Purchase Order

If all defaults have been specified, the supplier, price and item are already selected. You only need to enter the required quantity.

The description is displayed in the purchase order as the item description. The long text of the description is displayed in the purchase order as free text.

Press [Order] to create the purchase order in SAP Business One.


Goods Receipt

If the external delivery by the external supplier has been carried out, goods receipt can be booked.

Beas Menu: Production > External production > Incoming Goods for external production or select it in the work order via context menu (right mouse button)


The Incoming Goods of the External production is displayed grouped by supplier and stock. Double-click on a line shows details.

typing the delivered Quantity in displayed and clicking on [Incoming Goods]. Subsets also can be added to stock.

Enter the quantity delivered and click on [Goods receipt]. Partial quantities can also be entered.


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