WO structure time receipts

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Below the operation the respective time receipts are displayed.


Time receipts




Work Order time receipt has been created.


Someone is currently working on this work order.


Main time receipt.


Setup time reported.


Time receipt currently being registered.


If material was backflushed after the order time receipt, the link to the created document is displayed below the time receipt message.


Right-click on time receipts



Edit time receipt

Opens the Time receipts editing window.

Delete time receipt

Deletes the time receipt.

Time receipt cut

Time receipt is moved to the clipboard and can be pasted somewhere else. It is only cut once it has been pasted at the new location. This function is only available if the order-related time receipt has not caused a journal entry and the deletion option was not deactivated using the Configuration wizard.

Insert <document> <date>

Only visible if a time report was cut previously.

The cut time report is moved to this place.

This function is only available if the order-related time receipt has not caused a journal entry and the deletion option was not deactivated using the Configuration wizard.



Time receipts are administrated under administrate work order times.

Also see Registration window for time receipts.


Upon creating a time receipt, the material is posted. See time receipt – material posting.



Note: The designations: main, setup and secondary time can be set up in Configuration wizard > time types.

You can report to these time types only if the cost type was deposited in the respective resource under "costs“ "extend to cost types“.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?fa_struktur_zeitrckmeldungen_.htm