
Concepts > Backflushing

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Backflushing means that with the creation of an order-related time receipt, the material is also posted. This operation has some dependencies.

The prerequisites for material postings during an order-related time receipt are described here. A posting is only performed when a new order.related time receipt is entered, but not when it is changed or canceled.


Material issue for Production

To enable backflushing, the following must be activated: Configuration Wizard > Production > Material Posting and Reservation > Automatic Material Entry for First Operation or Last Operation.

Important: Note the definition of the corresponding operations.

Only those materials for which the output method is set to backflushing in their master data are posted. See Item master > General tab > Output method field.

The material is issued at the time of the terminal logoff or when the time receipt is created. The reported quantity (yield quantity + scrap quantity) * default quantity as per BOM is issued. Fixed quantities are converted accordingly.


Issuing batch and serial number managed items

For batch and serial number managed items, the output method cannot be set to backflushing in the item master. This is prevented by SAP Business One . However if the option Configuration Wizard > Production > Material Posting and Reservation > Backflush > Also Enter Batches or Also enter serial numbers is activated, batch and serial number managed items are also issued. An item-specific output method cannot be configured here.

When batch- or serial number-managed items are backflushed, a new window opens in which the batch numbers or serial numbers must be selected.


Direct operation allocation

If a BOM position is assigned directly to a routing position, this position is backflushed when the time receipt of the allocated routing position is posted (not with the first or last reportable routing position is submitted).


Backflushing from warehouse

Issuing is always performed from the default warehouse of the item, except when a warehouse is specified in the BOM, from which issues should be performed. The warehouse specified in the BOM has priority.


Backflushing from bin location

The backflushing function is an automatic process, therefore bin location management is not supported.


Backflushing of material positions

If a negative quantity is entered in a BOM position, a material credit is performed for the backflushing process. A negative BOM (dismantling) can also be performed using backflushing. Batches and serial numbers cannot be posted automatically.


Automatic receipt of and assembly

The behavior for receipt of the assembly to be produced is configured in Configuration Wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly > Posting. The following options are available:

Like Material (Last Operation i.e. Backflushing)

Receipt is issued for time receipt of last reportable routing position at the reported yield quantity. If "first routing position" is configured for material, however, the receipt is performed for the last routing position.

Receipt is also issued, if the assembly does not have the "backflush" output method configured in its master data.

No posting

Assembly is not received automatically.

Like Material (only backflushing assemblies)

Receipt is issued on time receipt of the last reportable routing position at the reported yield quantity, but only if the assembly output method is set to "backflush" in its master data.

The receipt is issued to the default warehouse of the assembly, unless a different warehouse is configured in Configuration Wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly > Booking finished items to warehouse. Bin location management is supported - the bin location is queried after the receipt.

Batch and serial numbers are determined automatically - this is set up in Configuration Wizard > Production > Valuation and Posting of Assembly > Serial Number / Batch Number or item specifically in Item Master > Batch > Batch Determination.


Account setting

Accounts are determined the same way as for the material posting functions in SAP Business One. However, the contra account is always the WIP account of the assembly or, depending on the configuration, the material.


Also See

Production time administration

Production time receipt

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