
Sales - AR > Precalculation > Edit Precalculation > Operation > Extended

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In this tab you can perform extended settings for an operation position in Precalculation.


PATH: Sales A/R > Precalculation > Open Precalculation > "Create Operation" function > Extended tab


Window pk_arbplanos.psr


Field descriptions



Valid from / to

If no date was entered, it is valid always, otherwise only in the specified period.



Precalculation date serves as reference. In Precalculation, all BOM positions are displayed but only the valid ones are valued.




Depending on configuration wizard - Production - Capacity planning - Default calculation method


Calculation backwards:

Delivery date serves as reference. It is checked only at work order creation. If the delivery date is changed subsequently, there is no second check, as long as the work order will not be updated.


Item-Processing time:

Delivery date of the respective assembly serves as reference. The item-processing time of the respective assembly will always be used for the calculation of the completion date of a subassembly (beas 9.1 PL: 08).


The parameter "validdate" can be defined additionally, if the work order will be created via the API. (beas 9.1 PL: 08)


// .. normal script to create or refresh a work order


Sales order in order recommendation
At breakdown of the assemblies the delivery date of the sales order is used, less the average delivery time, stored in configuration wizard.


Special case: Configuration wizard > Production > Capacity planning > Default calculation method = Default calculation method

The calculated date of requirement of the respective sub-assemblies will be used as reference date for sub-assemblies.


Example 1

A supplier changes the item number from a given date
Pos 10: previous item number until date x
Pos 20: new item number from date x+1


Example 2

At date x additional material is required.

If larger changes are needed, we recommend to use item version control.

I-Version From

Field used to select the first I-Version to be taken into account in a range.

I-Version To

Field used to select the last I-Versions to be taken into account in a range.

I-Version Range

Field used to select the specific I-Versions to be taken into account. Clicking on the tool-auswahl will open the Multiple selection

window to choose several versions.

Scrap of Material %

In Routing position > Extended you can define the Scrap of Material related to a routing position.



You must produce and fill 6 kg of paste

15% is lost during filling

Now it must be calculated how many liters of paste are needed.



Correct formula is: Quantity: (100  – scrap% )  * 100


If you need 6 kg of finish product, then you need

6 kg : (100 -  (0.15) * 100 = 7.059 kg paste


If you see the opposite:

I fill 7.059 kg paste and lose 15% =

7.059 - (7.059 / 100 * 15) = 6 kg


In the Configuration wizard > "Behavior for Routing Scrap of Material % affect to" you can define how the program should work.



The following settings are available:

Result see this example:


This is the Standard setting



Example: When a bar is sawn, a scrap rate of 10% may be incurred. If the material is ground, the bar becomes even shorter, that is a longer length must be cut beforehand,





We need a finished product with a length of 250 mm.


We start with 308.65 mm - sawn : scrap 10% = 277.78.

Continue with  277.78 mm - ground : scrap 10% = 250 mm.


Routing Position



Scrap %

10 sawn


308.65 mm


20 ground



30 QC

250 mm




Correct formula is: Quantity : (100  – scrap% )  * 100


Position 20 we need 250 : (100 – 10) * 100  = 277.78

The value is entered into the production BOM item, column "calculated scrap" as fix value.





This field is only visible, if in Configuration wizard > Master data > routing > operation related material scrap" is enabled.
The Item Report – Item Structure report does not support the Material Scrap factor on Routing Level.
Enable this option only if absolutely necessary; the computation will take considerably longer.
In work order this field is blocked, because scrap of material is determined only at the moment of creating the work order
When checking which routing positions are considered, the following criteria apply:
- Validity date
- Active (no formula, no quantity check)
- Variants (A–Z)
Not checked:
- Variants formulas, Product configurations


Personal allowance %

Define the rate of personal allowance.

Beas don't use this fields for any calculation. You can use this for own calculation, example for calculate the labor time with formulas See Variant generator

Recovery time %

Define the rate of recovery time.

Beas don't use this fields for any calculation. You can use this for own calculation, example for calculate the labor time with formulas See Variant generator

Efficiency Rate%

Define the rate of Efficiency rate.

Beas don't use this fields for any calculation. You can use this for own calculation, example for calculate the labor time with formulas See Variant generator

Invisible in Precalculation

The position is inserted in the calculation but not valued and also not displayed, i.e. these are available here but completely invisible. Creating a work order from calculation, this operation will be inserted.

Different behavior applies to "blocked operations". These are not included into the work order.


Field in Document: precalc_unvisible

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 2


000000 = Pos 1 = 0 = Off
100000 = Pos 1 = 1 = On

Value only in Precalculation

If this option is active, the position is only valued in the Precalculation, but is not transferred to the work order and is also ignored in the scheduling function in the material requirements list.


Field in Document: workorder_unvisible

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 2


000000 = Pos 2 = 0 = Off
010000 = Pos 2 = 1 = On

Login Block

If active, the affected resource is not reserved and a logon/logoff or time-related message of any type is blocked (the “Clocking mandatory” option must be deactivated).


Field in Document: workorder_lock

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 3


000000 = Pos 3 = 0 = Off
001000 = Pos 3 = 1 = On

Confirm in units

Determines in which UoM quantities will be reported for this operation sequence via the terminal.


Production Unit = kg

Confirm unit = Liter, Factor = 1.2

If you create a time receipt with 1 Liter, you confirm 1,2 kg in production unit


This is considered in

Production Time Receipt

External production - Collective Purchase Order.

Factor per Production UoM

Determines the conversion factor between time receipt unit and the production unit of the Assembly




Example: Production Unit = kg

Confirm unit = Liter, Factor = 1.2

If you create a time receipt with 1 Liter, you confirm 1,2 kg in production unit

Block closing with less quantity

If this option is enabled, the operation can only be completed with a time receipt if:


- the full planned quantity was reached

- the reported quantity of the previous operation (mandatory to report) was reached, the quantity is larger than 0 and the previous operation is closed.



The operation can be closed at any time.



Field in Document: workorder_minqtylock

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 4


000000 = Pos 4 = 0 = Off
000100 = Pos 4 = 1 = On

Invisible in post-calculation

If active, the position is hidden in the post-calculation – for planned and actual cost calculation.


Field in Document: postcalc_unvisible

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 5



000000 = Pos 5 = 0 =

Resource optimization

If enabled:

If the stored resource is part of a resource group, at scheduling, the resource is automatically selected from the group with the shorted  lead time.


Note: Option can only be changed if the APS has been licensed.



Resource group

Alternative Resources


Field in Document: resourcenoptimization

Field in Database: BEAS_FTAPL.FLAGS, Pos 6



000000 = Pos 6 = 0 = Optimization is on
000001 = Pos 6 = 1 = Optimization is off

Slave operation belongs to master

It is possible to define a master operation.

An order time receipt is done automatically on all operations if a quantity or time has been receipted via the master operation.


Thus a receipt can be done for multiple operations at once.



Master-operation 10
Slave-operation 20
Slave-operation 30


If an order time receipt is done on master-operation 10, so is an receipt done on position 20 and 30, as well.


Important: A concatenation of multiple operations is not possible, which means that a master-operation cannot be a slave-operation at the same time.



Master-Slave operations are not connected to or affect parallel resources or parallel working.


youtube working with master slave



Configuration wizard - Master-Slave

Not selectable

Only operation catalog: If active, the entry is hidden and can no more be selected.


Image for this operation, for better recognizability See Image selection.


With this color the operation is displayed in all screens. See Color selection.


At import or inserting a routing position, the routing is always deleted completely and re-imported.

Use the settings to manipulate the behavior on routing position level.


yes: Position will be deleted before the import

do not delete: Position will not be deleted, but can be overwritten

no: Position will not be deleted and cannot be changed.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?extended.htm