
Administration > System Initialization > Report settings > Macros > Macro Definition > Macro Output > Email

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If the report is emailed, further settings can be configured here.


PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Report Setup >

1. "Edit" a report >

2. "Macro Step" tab >

3. "Edit" a macro step >

4. "Macro Output" tab >

5. "Edit"/"New".

6. double-click the cogwheel cogwheel icon right of the "E-mail" check box.


Window: report_makrostep_output_edit_email.psr



Field Descriptions



Window open

If a document is sent and this option is activated, a window opens in which you can enter the subject line, description, recipient, etc. If a document is sent and Beas does not find all necessary specifications, the email window opens even if the option is deactivated.


Enter the sender's Email-address. Use the variable "value" in the script.

This works oily with option "send directly"

This may be necessary, if several users work on one work station but in Windows only one  Email-account was set up.



On work station "office1" as sender always "" shall be used.

if <station> = office1 then

end if


The recipient email address can also be a Beas placeholder.

In marketing documents, no instruction has to be entered as the default setting automatically inserts the correct email address.

Email CC1; CC2, E-mail BCC

Secondary recipient, use direct input or script


Important: Script is not executed in the current window, but in the Email-window. To access parameters of the current window, use <parent.> Data is returned in variable "<value>"



BCC is supported only by Client Type "send directly" and "MS OUTLOOK". For all other variants the recipients are entered as CC - recipient.


Subject of the email, maximum 50 characters. A beas placeholder can also be inserted here.

Starting the text with a $-character defines the text component for subject and email text. You can also select the component directly. See Text components

Email text

Text of the email.

File attachment 1...3

Further file attachments. Script possible. Important: Script is not executed in the current window, but in the Email-window. See above.


Script can also be used to define attachments.
Format: select format from dropdown: PDF, Excel, WMF, Standard.


Important: The script is not executed in the current window, but in the email-window. To access parameters of the current window, add <parent.> at the beginning. Return in in variable "<value>"



Generated File in Format

Field is found in the "Files" tab. Select format to store the generated document. see Output formats.

Send with

Which client to be used for sending.

See Email-Client-Types

User EMail Setup

Print and Report settings


Script can be entered to be executed in the E-mail window. To access the original window use <parent. ...>.


Script is executed after the E-mail-Client was filled with all properties, but did not start to send.

Depending on the client type, the following objects are available:


SAP-Message system: not supported

Send directly: Object "chilmail=email=..."

MAPI or Outlook: "pmail1234"


For additional information on parameters and functions of the Client objects please refer to the: Beas-Script-Documentation


Example: Enter UDF U_attachment4 as forth attachment via "send directly"

Note: All information is to be called from parent-window

// insert attachment4

select U_Attachment4 into :ls_attachment from ordr where docnum=<parent.item.5.value>

if <ls_attachment> <>  then


end if


for API/Outlook



to add another CC recipient




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