Print and report settings

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Administration > Print and report settings

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Print and Report Setup

PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Administration > Print and report setup.



Microsoft Word folder for templates

Specifies the path where  Word documents are filed. If emails and faxes are created using the  SAP Business One messaging system, this must be a released directory accessible by all.

Microsoft excel folder for templates

Specifies the path where Excel documents are filed. If emails and faxes are created using the  SAP Business One messaging system, this must be a released directory accessible by all.

Folder for pictures

Enter path to pictures folder.

Folder for attachments

Enter path to attachments folder.


Free text field: enter a header.

Report template

The window for editing reports opens when you click on the "Edit" button.



Printing Crystal Reports

Beas supports printing documents with Crystal. For further information see Crystal



Print B1 documents with Crystal

Document can be viewed in a separate Beas program task which may increase run time stability.

Documents are printed via <%PFAD BENUTZERVERWALTUNG%> – function using Crystal.
Advantage: simple creation of complex, multi-language reports using the available API.

See Report settings, Macros, Crystal, b1documentgenerate

do not delete beas_document_xxx

If you enable this option, entries in beas_document_header/line are deleted after 3 days.

Important: in this case, in the Crystal-document BEAS_DOCUMENT_HEADER.ID needs to be indicated as parameter.

See Crystal, b1documentgenerate

Use Internal Crystal Report viewer

Beas support Crystal Reports 11 and actual Crystal Reports, which delivered by SAP.
Note: Beas can use this product, but is not part of Beas.




Crystal report viewer

This setting uses the original Crystal engine installed by SAP Business One (Standard). This allows you to use all new functionalities that were delivered by the last Version of Crystal Report.

Note: If old reports customization is not working, use "Old internal viewer"


Translation concept:

The system translates the reports automatically to the correct language.

This is only working if all keywords in the reports are German words (the system uses Beas internal translation system)

Report settings > "Translation" is not supported.


Terminal Installation

If SAP Business One is not installed on this client, you must install the SAP Business One Crystal viewer from folder \\B1_SHR\Client\CRRuntime or \\B1_SHR\Client.x64\CRRuntime

Old internal viewer

This setting uses Crystal Viewer Version 11. Use this, if old customized report cannot run with the new Crystal report viewer.

For this the Crystal Viewer Version 11 must be installed on the client.

You can download this from:

Note: In actual crystal version there are new functions for example, examples extended Barcodes. These are not running on the old internal viewer.

Only 32 Bit variant

Export to PDF

Use this setting if the "Crystal report Viewer" and "Old internal viewer"are not working.

The setting uses the old Crystal Version 11. See "old internal viewer".

Note: It displays the Report as a PDF file and it is not in an internal viewer.

Only 32 Bit variant







Standard email sending

Indicates the technology used to send emails.



User EMail Setup

Printing and report settings

Default E-mail account

Opens settings for e-mail account: address, SMTP-port, SSL, password etc.

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