Macro Output

Administration > System Initialization > Report settings > Macros > Macro Definition > Macro Output

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The macro output defines how the report created is output.



Normally the macro output does not need to be specified. beas controls output independently.

However, the default behavior is deactivated if a macro output has been defined.


What is the purpose of macro output control?




The printing of an invoice should run as follows if it was started using "Print":


1. The document is generated via API "B1DocumentGenerate".


2. The document is generated using Crystal Reports. This document accesses the tables created by the API.


3. The first page of the document should be output on printer 1, tray 1.

A variable "Original" is also set.


4. The first page of the document should be output on printer 1, tray 2.


5. The document should also be output again on Printer1, Tray2.

The variable Original is still set to No, as a result of which the word Duplicate is printed on the document.


6. Finally, the document should also be sent by email.


PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Report Setup >

1. "Edit" a report >

2. "Macro Step" tab >

3. "Edit" a macro step >

4. "Macro Output" tab >

5. "Edit"/"New".



Window report_makrostep_output_edit.psr


Field descriptions




Macro output number (used for sorting – this is run in this order).


For internal use: Description of the macro output step.

Run at

This output step is only executed if the macro is called using the corresponding icon,

e.g. only if "Print" or "Fax" has been selected.

Further details for the corresponding process can be stored under Print, Fax and Email tool-zahnrad using the Settings icon.

Run if

A Beas script can be stored here. Macro output is only executed if the script returns "True".

Start script

Beas script executed before the macro is output.

End script

Beas script executed after the macro is output.


This is used to define how the output is executed. see next section.

Number of copies

(Only for PRINT type) How often should the document be printed? This setting is forwarded directly to the printer driver. Behind the orange „c“ a script can be deposited. For example, the number of copies can be entered: Use the variable value: eg. set number of copies to 5:  setvar=value=5

Save in File

(Not for printing) What filename should the file be saved under?


timestamp -> saves the file in yyyymmffhhmmddfff+counter.filetype in output folder

You can use placeholders (beas 9.1 PL: 08), eg. <today,yyyymmdd>_<cardcode>

If no folder is indicated, the default output folder is used.


The generated report is saved to variable "report_filename".

Delete File Automatically

Files are stored in the attachments directory to prevent too many files from being produced.



The command is used to define how the output is executed.

Output is independent of the call. In this way, you can generate an email on printing.




The output depends on the call type.

For View – view, for Excel – Excel, for Print – printout, etc.

Default setting: Automatic


The report is displayed.


The report is printed.


The report is saved.


The report is faxed.


The report is emailed.

Only Script

No output. Only start and end script is executed.

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