Difference posting and pre-check

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory (Stocktaking) > Annual inventory count > Inventory list > Difference posting and pre-check

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After recording counted stock or initial stock (initial stocktaking) a Pre-check is performed followed by the Posting of differences.


Before differences (or initial stock values) are posted data is checked for accuracy. A check is also performed after an import or if clicking in "check" in annual inventory count. Entries which did not pass the check are marked, the error description is displayed under "error info".

hmtoggle_plus1   The following is checked

Item deleted

Item was marked in SAP Business One as deleted.

Item blocked

Item is blocked. Posting not possible.

Warehouse (Item) not found

Warehouse is not existing or is not deposited in the item.

Warehouse blocked

Warehouse is blocked. Posting not possible.

Bin location not found

The given bin location does not exist.

Entry: not unique

Entry is not unique.

Batch: not unique

Batch is not unique.

Negative quantity

Negative quantities are not supported by Beas

Price missing

If a posting is necessary because counted stock is larger than system stock, and no price could be determined, an error message is issued and beas asks for a price to be entered. If no posting is necessary because the counted stock is less than / equal to the system stock, a missing price does not trigger an error message.


Posting differences

The difference between system stock and counted stock is posted. For regular inventory or annual inventory count the system stock represents the stock at the moment the inventory was started. After manual (handwritten) registration of counted stock, normal work can continue, even if the accounting of differences was not performed (for example early release of storage areas is possible)

Only the following entries are posted

If not marked as incorrect by Pre-check
Status "Modified" activated
If not marked as "posted"



- As valuation date will be used the date set up in Inventory. At the moment of posting, the date may be in future only if this was allowed in SAP Business One > Administration > System initialization > Document settings > Allow future posting date.

- SAP or WMS Bin managed warehouse not supported


hmtoggle_plus1   SAP stock posting disabled

Beas uses for posting the SAP B1 function

- "Goods receipt"

- "Goods issue"

The system cannot use the SAP Inventory counting function.


First, difference receipt, then difference issues are posted. If continuous stocktaking is enabled, the stored price cannot be used when reducing stock, because issues are always performed using the standard valuation method of the item.


Grouping in posting document: counted numbers are grouped in the posting document by


If several batches of an item can be found in a warehouse, only one document line is created, and the batch stock correction is deposited behind the document line. If one of the batch entries has a different price, a new document line is created. The same applies for bin locations and serial numbers. Thus, the number of transactions is reduced significantly, and the creation of documents is optimized.


The system creates receipt/issue documents with max. 500 document lines.

In case of an item in the same warehouse with same price and same batch number, the system creates only one line. The system creates a new line only if one of the parameters is different.

Why: The increased number of lines can cause instability in the SAP DI-API.

If the system cannot create the receipt with 500 lines, it tries with 50, then 2 and then 1.  In this case you can find out, which item produces a problem.


With an increased number of entries, the process may take long.

In SAP Business One there is a limitation of 10000 Lines.

hmtoggle_plus1Note on mass postings

When posting large amounts of data it can be expected that the posting may take a long time.

The PC must have enough memory. With more than 15,000 stock registrations, a  64-bit operating system with at least 4 GB of main memory is recommended.

If the posting process takes too long due to many posting errors or large amounts of data, it may happen that the SAP Business One interface cancels the connection to Beas (timeout). In this case, the application must be re-started. The posting can be started again at any time. Already posted entries are not posted again.

back to Initial stock

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?differenzverbuchung.htm