Import stock

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory (Stocktaking) > Annual inventory count > Inventory list > Import stock

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Stock can be imported with the help of a text file. After clicking on the Import button under Inventory list > Extended tab, a warning message pops up where you can confirm the Start of the import.

Upon clicking "yes", a browser window opens to select the path for the new import file.



Window mw_inventory_items_difference_browse.psr


A text file in CSV format (tab-separated) needs to be created with the following structure:

Item number, quantity, store, inventory location, batch or serial number, expiration date (for batch/serial numbers only), Price, Currency, Version (For items version controlled)


Separator: Tab (Char 9)

Date format in yyyy / mm / dd , e.g. 2008/12/31 or in the format of the Windows regional settings. Numbers in the format of the Windows regional settings

All values need to be entered. If a value does not exist, leave the field empty. Enter no title.


hmtoggle_plus1Example with (item number, quantity and storage location only):






Item number

Item number to register. Item must exist in the system.


Counting amount in Inventory UoM without thousands marker.  As decimal separator the character according to windows-system setting is required.
Example: German regional settings: 25,5

Example: American regional settings: 25.5

For serial number related items: only the amount of 1 is allowed.


Target warehouse; needs to be deposited in the item.

Bin location

For warehouse with bin locations, enter bin code.


For batch-related items: batch number. For serial number related items: serial number
Use DistNumber (visible batch number), not internal system number.

Expiration date

Optional entry of expiration date. Use format of windows regional settings or in format yyyy/mm/dd
Example: 2018/04/03


Optional. Format see quantity.
NOTE: Only prices >0 are taken into account.


Currency for price.


Item Version of the Item. (System does not validate that assigned version exists for selected item)


Import entries are then checked immediately by the pre-check and incorrect entries are marked as not bookable.


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