Picking for production workflow

Produmex WMS integration > Picking for production workflow

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In this workflow, the mobile client of Produmex WMS is used to go through the picking for a work order position in Beas.



On Produmex WMS, the PMX SBO Notification Listener process must be installed and running.
On Beas, the Common Interface must be running.



1.Beas: Create a work order.
2.Beas: Link a Produmex WMS production line to the WO positions.

Select WMS prod line 1

3.Produmex WMS: Use the Produmex WMS mobile client Picking for production option to view all the Beas production lines.

Mobile Client Main Menu (Production)Production Picking flows1

4.Produmex WMS: Select the line and start the picking as usual.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202102/index.html?pickingforproduction_w.htm