Overhead costs

Concepts > Overhead costs

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Overhead costs are referring to costs which are attributable to no productive activity such as meetings, repair, cleaning, and so on.

If overhead costs are to be recorded with factory data capture (FDC) , the following setup is available:

Create a production order, preferably as document 1:
oType: Overhead. Enable overhead costs in the production order header (see Production > Work Order)
Create a pseudo-assembly any item, preferably without inventory management. Behind this assembly all overhead costs are stored as routing (repair, meeting, training, cleaning, and so on).

If there are different types of overhead costs, they can be distributed on different production positions.

If overhead costs need to be reported,  the overhead order is used. The operation sequences of an overhead order cannot be confirmed with time receipt.


The following reports are available :

FDC/ Reports: FDC

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202102/index.html?overhead_costs.htm