Batch Split

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Terminal_Desktop_Batch_Split small_batchsplit_2023_04

Available with Issue, Receipt, Allocation for production, Pick and pack, Stock information license.

See Terminal settings in Configuration wizard.


This app is the terminal solution for the identical function integrated in SAP B1.

In this window an item batch can be divided into several item batches. In this case, neither the item number nor the batch lot number needs to match. The quantities of source and target batch may differ, only the current stock is considered as limit.


PATH:  Inventory > Inventory transactions > Batch split.


The window is divided into three areas:



Top left

Batch to be split.


Batch to be created.


Already selected batch to be created.



Window mw_batchnum_splitt.psr


Process description:

Indicate the batch to split (left) and the batch to be created (right). The amount of the batches to be created may not exceed the amount of batches to be divided. Different units of measurement are not considered.

Clicking on Split the batch on the list below is accepted and the "available" value is reduced accordingly.

Click Batch booking to issue the total amount of the batches to be split and to post in the batches to be created (in the background an issue and a receipt document are generated)


In parallel, a transfer document is created with its own document number. There the numbers of the related documents for receipt and issue are stored. Documents are accessible via right-click - archive.


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SAP and WMS Bin Management are not supported in this window.

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