Internal HTTP server

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Beas has an integrated, complete HTTP Server




This allows a simple installation and usage of WEB applications

Terminal 2.1, WebConfigurator and all internal services  are compatible only to internal HTTP Server


For an example of use see WEB Server



- Fast, because no additional interfaces are required

- Simple to use

- Fully integrated


Without the use of a Proxy server the limitations are:

- Only HTTP, no HTTPS

- Can only transmit the images one after another instead of parallel


In general, the use of the internal WEB server is recommended.

Without additional services this is completely sufficient services at internal use or for presentation.

But a Proxy-server is required if a public access is required or larger image file is transmitted. The setup for this is very simple.


Display of different possibilities


Only internal Beas WEB Server

The client communicates directly with Beas AddOn, because this provides the HTTP Server at the same time.
Because the interface can be renounced, the following changes:
a) Setup and support of Apache HTTP Server are not required
b) Faster processing of Inquiries

But no HTTPS is available

Good for intranet solution or presentation


Apache as Proxy Server

The HTTPS protocol has to be used if an internet access is required. The apache HTTP server should be used. This routes the HTTPS inquiries to Beas http and application server using HTTP



hmtoggle_plus1HTTPS configuration steps for Beas with XAMPP
hmtoggle_plus1Start Beas with HTTP Server


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