Login work order

Terminal and WEB APP > Terminal > Production apps > Login work order

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T_D_WO_Login     DTerminal_Login_WO_ICON_2023.04

Available with Production Data Collection, Start, Interrupt, Completion, Finished Goods, Scrap license.

See Terminal settings in Configuration wizard.


Use this function to login to a routing of a work order. The working time is registered until the order is logged out again.
The app is affected by the "Work order must be set to planned" setting.


PATH: Production > Factory data capture >Terminal > enter user+password > select "Login work order" app.


Window fert_ftstmp_anmeldung.psr


Logon the operation sequence via barcode which is printed on the WO. There is an manual selection alternatively.

Only displayed operation sequences can be selected. Exception: Personnel master > FDC -> allow logon to op. sequ. of all pools has been enabled. At the top the currently logged on employee is displayed.


Operation sequences from following are displayed:

hmtoggle_plus1Working with pools
hmtoggle_plus1The station and the resources assigned to the employee


The following is displayed:

- Work order, assembly, position, production number, customer (or warehouse)

- optionally interruption information

- Resource ID and description

- Assembly, item number and description

- A clock if the order has been logged on already by the employee


Enter the bar code to log in, selection with ENTER or F2

Then the second page is opened.



Window fert_ftstmp_anmeldung.psr


You can select:

hmtoggle_plus1Working on which resource
hmtoggle_plus1Time type


The operation sequence is started by F2, F3, F4, or F5

The display of functions depends on the set time type.

The window can be closed or the next operation sequence can be selected directly has been enabled in Configuration wizard Production FDC.

attentionNOTE: Parallel operations do not consider quantities and do not manage Open/Close status!. Time receipt creation does not close a parallel operation.


hmtoggle_plus1Display documents and images
hmtoggle_plus1Automatic attendance reports


Multi logon

Activate option Order logon: multi logon to logon several orders subsequently via bar code. The option is ignored if you call up the window via the pool list. (beas 9.1 PL:08 HF: 2)


hmtoggle_plus1Automatic attendance logon



Opposite function: Logout work order



Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?fert_ftstmp_anmeldung.htm