Script Documentation

This documentation describes the different types of interfaces and interpreter which are supported by the Beas Manufacturing solution.

Beas Service Layer



is a fully integrated OData Interface / Rest Service

See Beas Service Layer


The main, fully integrated script interpreter
Note: This language has a long history line. In the documentation only the new script style is described, but all old script variants are working.

See BeasScript

Beas Common Service


Allow to work asynchronously

see Beas documentation - Common service

formel_event UserEvents

Allow to modify standard processes as receipt processes, MRP or APS calculation

See UserEvents



database Beas DataBase

Describe all available functions and definition files

Allow to add own tables and fields

See DataBase


Create own windows with PowerBuilder


See Own window with Powerbuilder



formel_event AddOn Connector

Connect your own Addon with Beas Addon inside SAP Environment


See Addon Connector

Web and Rest Service


Create own WebApps or modify exsiting WebApps


See WEB and Rest Service


Beas Documentation 2024.06.0

Documentation other versions