Precalculation extended view

Sales - AR > Precalculation > Pre-calculation extended view

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With the "Precalculation extended view", all results of the calculation schema can be displayed per assembly in a horizontal arrangement.


PATH: Sales – A/R > Precalculation > Add > select "View" tab. > click "View Extended" button.

Image 1.


Window pk_struktur.psr


To see the desired cost objects in the Extended view, the following steps are required:

1. hmtoggle_plus1  Select a Calculation schema for the calculation.

2. hmtoggle_plus1  Enable "Calculating surcharge for subpositions" in the Calculation schema.

3. hmtoggle_plus1 Define values to be displayed in Calculation schema > Display tab.

4. Add item(s) with the "Insert item" button from the header.

5. Switch to "View Extended" in the Precalculation > View control bar.



In our example (see above: Image 1.) we are displaying the precalculation details for two assemblies – the two versions of the item "VA-Level2-Sep".
By double-clicking an assembly, you can edit Calculation schema details separately for each item in a separate window "Material".



youtube Beas Calculation per Assembly Webinar


hmtoggle_plus1Example display tool:  



Calculation schema – Surcharge calculation per item

Precalculation – Extended view

Calculation schema


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