
Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Materials management > MRP Wizard > Forecast

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This area contains options for computing forecasts. Affects the order recommendation report.

PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Materials management > MRP Wizard.

Also see:

Forecast (SAP)

Planning scenarios Planning

Planning scenarios Detail Forecasts






Forecast consider


If in a sales order, the "consume forecast quantity" switch was disabled, there is no offset against existing customer orders.

Pre call time for forecasts

An average delivery time can also be specified in work days for forecasts.

Requirement in the period

Descending: Apply a percentage of the requirement on the remaining days.

Constant: Requirement is always the total quantity.

Ignore past: Requirement is applied to the first day of period.


Example: Today is 25th November of 2016 and there are 2 forecasts, one by week and second one by month. Quantity for both forecast are 100 Pieces.

An MRP executed today provides the following results.


Consider past

Open sales orders in the past are offset against forecasts.

Consider delivered customer orders

Consider partially delivered or fully delivered sales orders in the current period.

Consumption method

The customer orders are deducted from the forecasts. The behavior is configured here.



Specifies the direction in which the forecasts should be reduced. Only visible if consumption method was activated as "Definable time range".

Days forward, days backward

Specifies the period from the delivery date of the customer order during which the forecasts should be reduced. Only visible if consumption method was activated as "Definable time range".


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