Archive data

Administration > Utility programs > Database Test > Archive data

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PATH: Administration > Utilities > Database test > Archive data Open button.

Use the data archive function to move data from productive system into archive tables or to an archive data base or archive server.


Window system_backup.psr


Thus, the continuous growth of recently used tables can be prevented. The authorization "System" is required.



The process cannot be undone.

Create a backup before archiving data.

There is no access on archive data within beas.


Recommendation: regular annual backup to keep an access on old data.



1. Data base is backed up

2. Select the area to be archived

3. Select a target server or target db

4. Select a period to be included in archive

5. Start archiving


Archiving process:

1. On target data base table structure is created or updated. A 1:1-image of the source table is created.
   Name: BEAS_BACKUP_[Origin Table name], eg: from "BEAS_FTHAUPT" the table "BEAS_BACKUP_FTHAUPT" is created.

2. All data are moved.

3. Data in source tables are deleted.


Depending on the selected area tabs are displayed, to enter more data.



Work order




Change log

QC Order

If active, QC order are archived. The indicated "to date" considers all QC orders, which had been created until this date.

Affected tables:


External target server


Personnel (Times, vacation)




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