
Introduction > Beas user interface > Window control > Templates

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Many windows of type "lists" support templates. With these, various settings can be summarized and stored. The templates are accessible via the Beas icon at the bottom right corner of the window:




Affected settings:

- Sorting

- Filtering

- Columns settings (see Window settings)

- Number of max. rows (not in HANA)

- Title-row for print-out

- Design (background color, font size)

- Definition of up to 6 additional fields from any table


Various lists and evaluations can be created in a window by using templates. It is very simple to switch between templates and the program always opens the last used template.

To manage templates, the authorization "template" is required.


See Authorizations


Authorization control

With templates, you can also create authorizations. First, create a standard template which is available for every employee who can open the respective window.

1. Define visible fields via right-click – Window settings

2. Create New Template and set up filters and sorting if needed

3. Save template and switch to Standardsee Template administration


Now, you can create additional templates and enter the users with permission to execute the template in Template – Authorization.

Clicking on the template selection list will only display the templates that the user is authorized to manage.


Note: users with administration rights can access all templates.


Terminal mode

A authorization control per employee can be defined in the terminal mode. For further information see Template administration


Training unit Templates

document-film Video example pool list

youtube How to create Beas Template button

youtube New fields in production times report

youtube AddOn login to work order with additional fields

youtube Improvement Report with templates

youtube Pool list sort by aps definition with template function

youtube MRP with templates


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202109/index.html?templates.htm