Window settings

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Expand/Collapse Toggles

In many lists the width and visibility of columns and the order of display can be set up. This is made in window settings which are available via right-click > Window settings.
Click on the a list if there are multiple in a window.   


Window settings are not possible in windows with a structure view.

The authorization Template is required for window settings.



Window system_col_browse.psr


Assignment Window settings

hmtoggle_plus1SAP / Beas normal:
hmtoggle_plus1Terminal mode


For windows settings the authorization Template is required.

If changing window settings and creating a template afterwards, the window settings are transferred to this template.


hmtoggle_plus1Change column width
hmtoggle_plus1Change column order
hmtoggle_plus1Add or hide columns
hmtoggle_plus1Note on program update:


Window settings

The following columns are displayed here:


Field name


Determines if field is visible.


Determines if field is changeable.  Not every field is changeable.

if you make fields changeable, which not changeable in standard, then the system don't save the changes.


Select field font color.


Field font is displayed bold.


Field font is displayed italic.


Some specialties are displayed here.

Icon "NEW": column has been added after program update.

Icon "Lock": column was changed using extended settings, standard settings have been overwritten.


Activating this setting for a field provides a summary below the listed values of that field in the main window.
hmtoggle_plus1        Details


Here you can enter a tooltip to appear above a field in the main window.




Field name

Change order

Click the title, keep mouse button pressed and move.

Change width

Close the window, set up the field width in the list, re-open window settings and click "update".

Reset defaults

hmtoggle_plus1  Right click – Button "Standard" window is reset to default values.

Further properties

Right-click – details: customized details can be set up (see below).

Save form in template

If a template is created, current window settings are saved. See Templates.

Distribute window settings

Window settings cannot be distributed but templates can.


Extended button: Access extended window settings for the current window.


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