Beas access parameters

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Beas can be directly integrated from SAP Business One via an Add-on or through "Accessing external programs".

Each Beas – function can be started using parameters. Separator for parameters is a blank character. If the parameter contains a space, please replace by AltGr-3 ( = ³ ).

Beas may only be started in home directory "%programfiles(x86)%\beas software\beas". Change directory before calling.

Beas can also be started via Windows-task planner. See tasks


See youtube Start Beas in different ways

The following parameters are available:


Calculates the MRP x
Example: Calculating the MRP2

beas.exe db=yyy server=zzz user=aaa pw=bbb mrp=2

The line can be entered as follows in the Beas –server:



Performs the corresponding batch calculation

beas.exe db=yyy server=zzz user=aaa pw=bbb batchcalc=2

The line can be entered as follows in the Beas –server:




Attendance Login/Logoff terminal



Generate a debug file on assembly level. You can use this for deep analysis.

The debug file beas.dbg is located in the same folder as the program itself.

It only works if you start Beas with Admin Rights.


Executes a script which is stored in planned activities. Executed in server mode., Once finished, the Beas instance is closed.


planned activities



Opens a form (PSR File) directly. If started with SingleMode (/ms), the program will close when closing the form.


Name of server. Replace spaces with letter "³"

If no servername is defined, beas uses the last used server.


Database index (n-th entry in database list) or database description or client description. Replace space by _



The associated user password


Opens corresponding window at program start


Submit command to a window. Several command parameters can be specified


The master window is not opened. Program works in "Single window mode"


No pop-up window at program start


No footer window


Do not display toolbar


Do not load user window settings


Do not load language table


Single window. If the window specified at start is closed, the whole application is closed.


"Small menu". Only the menu items "Edit", "Window" and "Help" are available


Set variable s_parm1 (…4)


Set variable c_parm1 (…4)


Executes the Beas script. If this contains <cr_lf> , it is executed as a batch routine. Blank spaces must be replaced with ³



If only one function (Object) is called, the program needs to be closed afterwards with "app=close"




defines the user language (only if the standard behavior has been disabled under Extra/Options/General)


Beas starts as "server" Alternative to the server service in local mode


Beas starts in server mode. This means that all messages are blocked. Use this to execute scripts.


Activates the debug to file mode at Beas  startup.

See topic System Information > Settings > "Debug to file".

Available from 2020.05.


Examples of Beas call up


Examples: Enter correct values for user, password and database.


Terminal on "Demo" database,

beas.exe db=demo terminal /pn


Report currently present

beas.exe user=manager pwd=manager db=mustermann dw=bde_anwesenheit_aktuell.psr /sw /pn /ms s_parm1=onlypresent


Report on client "Mustermann", prevent popup

beas.exe db=mustermann report projekt\mustermann\reports\meinReport.rpt /pn


Report item_description.rpt for item 100.344

beas.exe report artikel_edit_beschreibung /pn /dv=Artikelnummer:=100.344


Open item processing for 100.344 with User Manager, end program, when window is closed, use small menu and no popup

beas.exe db=mustermann dw=artikel_edit s_parm1=100.344 user=manager pw=manager /pn /sw /sm


Call only order time receipt, close the program immediately afterwards

beas.exe dw=fert_arbzeit_erfassen.psr user=manager pw=manager db=trainingdb /sw /ns /ms


Note: .rpt or .psr NO longer need to be specified.


Calling up several instances in parallel, (eg. multiple terminal users) the name of the currently logged on user can be displayed in program title.

Insert "app=title=beas: <currentuser>"


Concept: call up via windows task planner

See: tasks

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