Apps basic settings


There are basic settings for certain applications, for example the terminal.


PATH: Human Resources > Master data > Terminal Functions > select an entry > "Basic Setting" button.


Window system_option_struktur.psr





Login-window: Title. HTML is allowed.

Title 2

Login-window: Second title or information in the gray area. HTML allowed.


Set up the type of login: Via card number or Name + Password, query for station name and location management.

Station name

Select how station name is to be entered: No/manually/selection list.

Selection: No new logon is possible. Station ID needs to be deposited in station setup wizard. A password is queried.


Select how location is to be entered: No/mandatory/optional.

Location ID is mandatory For printing control. It can be deposited in station setup wizard or the client selects the location.


Additional field "Shift" is displayed. This information can be accessed at printing.  (<shmtl.shift>)

WebApps Common Service Result Behavior

Define which messages the system should display if the common service cannot return the result in a short time:

- No display notification

- Display All

- Display Errors only



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