
Production > Capacity Planning, APS > Graphic View > Timescale

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The timescale is displayed above the view.




The available time range is stored in the planning settings.

You can do this either by specifying the days (today +/- days) or by automatic calculation, depending on the selected positions.


If a position is outside the range, you can click on the (right) side of the table. This timescale is automatically adjusted and the position displayed.


Timescale: Change resolution


The resolution, i.e. the space available for a time unit, can be adjusted as needed.

To do this, click on the timescale and hold. To enlarge the time units drag the mouse to the right, to reduce drag to the left.


Timescale menu

Other functions are available for the timescale.

To access the menu, right-click on the timescale.


The date range to be displayed can be customized. This only relates to the visualization.

If work orders have been loaded for a specific time range only, there is no speculative loading of work orders outside the range to be displayed.


Different timescales can be selected under Calendar.


Type of timescales


Timescale day:

In the top bar the month + year are displayed; in the bottom bar the day



Timescale hour:

In the upper area the day is displayed; in the lower area the hours. There is a dash every 24 hours




Timescale month

This range is intended for rough planning over several months.

Top range: Month, with calendar week underneath, and the days underneath that



Timescale year

This range is intended for long-term resource planning.

Top bar: Quarter + year, with month underneath, and the calendar week underneath that



Timescale detailed planning

This special timescale displays a rough plan and a detailed plan simultaneously.

The green range is the detailed planning range, the pink range the rough planning range.

The start of the rough planning range is user-definable. Click on the vertical line between the two ranges and drag.

The resolution can be set separately for each range.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?zeitskala.htm