Marking functions, group functions

Production > Capacity Planning, APS > Graphic View > Group Function

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Multiple positions can be selected simultaneously as follows:


1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the positions.

2. Click on the blank Gantt area, hold and drag a rectangle over all positions to be selected.

3. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the scale (upper timeline): all positions from that day are selected.


If multiple positions have been selected, a special group menu is available.


Forward scheduling

This is used to re-schedule all positions marked with a red arrow. The first calculation method stored in the plan is always available.

Dispatch by date

This is a detailed planning function and should only be used in the resource view.

This arranges the selected (red border) positions in order to the minute, and dispatches and fixes them. see resource-optimized detailed planning.

Break fixed specification

Any fixed specifications set are removed (blue marking)

Set selection

All selected positions receive a "red" arrow. Re-scheduling of these selected positions is then possible.


This removes the red arrow.

Hide all not selected

All positions that are not selected (red border) are removed.

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