Wage types

Human Resources > Basis data > Wage types

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Store wage types in this window. Defined wage types can be evaluated using function time evaluation.


The editing list supports window settings. You can create, edit and delete entries.

Wage types can be stored in absence types, shift definition and period rule.


PATH: Human Resources > Master data > Wage types.


Window wagetype_browse.psr




Wage type

Unique wage type ID. No subsequent change possible. Field: wagetype


Description of wage type.

Cost center

Optional: cost center.

Own reports can be created. Field: kstst_id

Cost unit

Optional: cost unit.

Own reports can be created. Field: costcarrier


Additional freely definable fields.

Bitmap, Color

Image and color to make the entry more visible.


Table: beas_wagetype

Window: wagetype_browse, wagetype_edit


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?wagetype.htm