Absence Types

Human Resources > Basis data > Absence Types

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Any absence types such as vacation, sickness, etc. can be defined in this window.

Its characteristics can be defined here.


For the personnel, the absences are entered under personnel / absences. Only one absence per day is possible.


PATH: Human Resources > Master data > Absence types.


Window bde_abwesenzeitart_browse.psr





ID for the absence type.


Detailed description of the absence type.

Paid %

Determines if the number of hours calculated here should be counted in the ACTUAL hours.

Sick %

Credit number of hours to the sickness account? How many percent of the hours determined if applicable.

Vacation %

hmtoggle_plus1  Absence is subtracted from vacation account.


If you enter a %-value, this value will be subtracted from vacation account.


Definition: 1 Day vacation:

Entry 100%, Pay Yes, consider presence hours: No.

Definition: 1/2 Day vacation:

Entry 50%, Pay Yes, consider presence hours: Yes.

Definition: Unpaid vacation:

Entry 0%, Pay No, consider presence hours: Yes.


Training %

Book number of hours to the training account? If yes, how many percent of the hours.

Wage type

Hours can be booked to two wage types. The next column displays the %-value of the total number of hours. See wage types.

beas9.0-004-000-000, wagetype1 wagetype1pc, wagetype2, wagetype2pc

Number of Hours


An entry can be made in the shift definition specifying the number of hours the employee should work in a day. Up to 3 times can be stored.

This is useful if a certain quota of hours should be built up while present which can be depleted again through free days but this account should not be controlled through the flextime account and should also not be built up again in case of vacation and sickness. For this purpose, the actual plan number in addition to the buildup time is entered in the shift definition in the first plan number of hours and for the second plan number of hours, only the actual plan number is entered. The "Number of hours 2" is then selected for the absence type.





or enter Number of Hours:

A definition can be made here to the effect that the plan number of hours should not be determined but predefined.

help-achtungWarning: This type of hour determination should not be used since it does not take holidays, period rule, shift definitions, factory calendar and day templates into account.

Add the time to Plan-/Actual Time

The time determined is credited to the actual and plan time account. This is useful when holidays should be entered as plan and actual hours. However, each holiday must then be entered for each person as absence.

This option must be disabled for vacation and sick calls.

Add Attendance

A person can still be present in case of an absence, e.g. if the person only has half a vacation day. Define in this case that the person's presence is to be added.

If the person takes a whole day of vacation, then, in the normal case, his or her actually illegal presence should not be added because the actual hours would then be rated twice - once through the presence and once through the vacation.

Day off


If activated, this day is leisure time. In column "plan" of the time evaluation  independent of the factory calendar, always 0 will be displayed and calculated.


The following examples are to explain the possible outcome of the new option:

Regular working time is 8 hours.


Vacation: payment 100%, vacation 100%, day off: No

=> Plan: 8 hrs, actual: 8 hrs, difference: 0 hrs, vacation:  8 hrs.


Vacation: payment 0%, vacation 100%, day off: Yes

=> Plan: 0 hrs, actual: 0 hrs, difference: 0 hrs, vacation:  8 hrs.


Vacation: payment 100%, vacation 100%, day off: Yes

=> Plan: 0 hrs, actual: 8 hrs, difference: -8 hrs, vacation:  8 hrs.


Note: with more than one absence a day it is enough to enable this option for one entry.



Special case: Two absences per day

Only one absence can be entered per day and person.

If the person is sick for half a day and on vacation for half a day, another absence type must be created:

Vacation: 50%

Sick: 50%

Pay: 100%

Thus, any feasible combination is possible.


Example: 50% paid vacation, 50% unpaid vacation:

Vacation 50%

Pay 50%

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?abwesenheitsarten.htm