
Administration > Data Integration Hub > Data integration hub > Import Definition > Preview

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PATH: Administration > Data Import/Export > Data Integration Hub > Open Import definition > Preview button.

In the Preview the file to be imported is displayed as a list.

hmtoggle_plus1XML-files are also shown as a list

Each tag in the XML-file has a separate column. Accordingly a double-designation is possible.

If the cursor is on the title, the structure name is shown.

Example: <item><itemcode>A001</itemcode><item>

Column name = itemcode

Structure column name = item#itemcode

Area = item

Content = A001


Options in the right-click menu:




The filter can be defined by right-clicking on the header row.

For XML-files proceed as follows to define the structure area to be imported:

1.Select the rows to be imported.
2.Click the Only this area button. All other rows are hidden outside this area.


Use the reference arrow to define a filter manually.


Defines the sorting of the table to import right-clicking.

Use the reference arrow to define sorting by Drag&Drop.


In the table all fields are displayed, that are defined in the import file.


Double-click on any title to change the text.

Right-click and delete all empty columns: all columns are deleted, which have no entry in the currently selected row.


Only this area: Press this button to show the selected area in this window.

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