Data integration hub

Administration > Data Integration Hub > Data integration hub

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PATH: Administration > Data Import/Export > Data Integration Hub.

All import definitions are administrated in this list.

Window settings, Template and Multiselect are supported. Authorization: Import


Items are sorted by area, import structure description and ID.


Window importkopf_browse.psr


Column description



... (bitmap)

The icon defined for the definition.


Type of the definition: import, PDM, CAD etc.

Table structure

Target table of the import .


Unique ID for the import definition.


Description of the import definition.


Processing status of the definition.

Status description

Description of the status.

Status %

Completion in % .

Last run

The date of the last import.


The number of times the import has been executed.


Number of detected errors.

Further columns to be displayed can be added in window settings.






Opens the selected entry for editing.


Closes the window.

Start Import

Starts the import of the selected row.

open Hub Templates

By clicking on this button, you can access the folder with Excel templates for each table definition in Beas.


For each table you can generate an excel file with all columns marked as Import =yes. The information, then, can be saved in Excel template (.xlts) format in the Beas folder program\DIH_templates.


Match the field information stored in the Excel table

The first line in the Excel sheet stores the exact field ID.

The second line in the Excel sheet stores the necessary information related to a field - the exact field ID, description, data type and possible values. (see image below)

Orange fields are mandatory.
Blue fields are optional.

To match the information from the Excel sheet, the system uses the first line containing each field ID. The below image demonstrates how the information from the Excel table matches the target fields of the Beas window.


Note: Remember to delete the second row of the excel when you prepare the file for import!

See Automatch




Mandatory fields with "Mandatory: YES" in orange:
PERS_ID (Employee number)
NAME 1 (First name)
NAME 2 (Last name)
KSTST_ID (Cost center)


Search field

Add information to filter the Import definition list


Right-click menu options




Opens the error protocol for the current entry.

Note: At each renewed import the protocol is deleted first.


Create new definition


Duplicates the current entry.


Deletes the selected entries. Multiselect is supported.

Planned activities

Opens the Planned activities window, where import operations can be scheduled and automated.

Counter: Reset

Resets the error error counter for the selected entry.

Column definition: Reload

Reloads the column definition (database description) in the current database. This occurs usually at each program update.

Export Definition

Definition of the selected rows are exported to a file. Multiselect is supported.

Import Definition

Import definitions, that have been exported can be imported.

If an ID already exists, it is renamed automatically.


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