
MRP > Forecasts

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In many cases, production companies receive sales orders on short notice. However, the production process might take long. As a result, it is common for these companies to plan their purchasing and production in advance, even before they receive actual sales orders. This is the goal of a forecast. A forecast is designed to serve as an additional requirement. Therefore, the goods are produced based on the forecast, and when the actual sales orders are received, the company is able to supply the order quickly.


For additional information, please refer to SAP Business One-documentation:


Beas provides additional features for forecasts

Any number of forecasts can be taken into account by MRP
Various computation methods are available
A warehouse can be stored in a forecast, which is very useful if you have multiple locations
A requirement list can be stored (MPS)


hmtoggle_plus1Planning per variant or configuration

SAP Business One - warehouse management allows only management per item. Order scheduling works order related. That why it is impossible to plan per variants or configurations.


A requirement of a variant or configuration is always order related. To have a more detailed view in forecasts, please create variants as separate items.

hmtoggle_plus1Warehouse definitions

Attention: From SAP Business One 9.2 the warehouse definition from SAP Business One is used.

An UDF Field "Warehouse" has been added for older versions. This has no function for the current versions.


For beas 9.1 and older:


In SAP-UDF-Field "warehouse" (accessible via View > UDF) the target warehouse can be stored.

This can have effect on:

Which forecast is considered,
Price determination (in case of pricing per warehouse)
Which variant is used (in case of variants stored per warehouse)


If you do not define a warehouse, the default warehouse according to item master will be used.

If there no warehouse was defined, settings of System initialization > General settings > Warehouse - Item are used.



Configuration wizard Forecasts

Planning scenarios Planning

Plannings scenarios Detail Forecasts


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