Post-calculation results

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View of Post-calculation – Calculation results


Post-calculation – List

  Post-calculation Master data

  Post-calculation Results

      Post-calculation Details on calculation

          Results profit centers

              Results detail


Upper area: selection of calculation

Lower area: Detailed results

Window settings are supported.


PATH: Production > Post calculation > select calculation > click Results.


Window postcalc_line_master.psr


Overview of the most important fields:

Work order

Work order number


Work order position


Structure information, example 10-30 (30 is sub position from 10)

Post Calculation

Batch Calculation Id


Calculation Number (unique number)


Information field


Calculation schema

Calculation on

Calculation date

Calculation: Type

Calculation Type (example: one step)

Valuation: Type

Valuation type

Valuation to / From

Valuation period (date from/to)

Resource Cost Rate

Id from Resource Cost Rate (empty = Standard resource codst)


Item code


Description of item

Drawing number

Drawing number from item

Origin Type

Type of the original document - Sales order, Work order

Origin Document

Document number

Quantity Plan / Actual

Planned quantity according to the work order / Sum of postings to this assembly including completed quantities manually reported in the position

Time Plan / Actual

Total of planned and actual time

Material Actual / Plan

Actual / Planned Material

Material Total  MargCosts/FIX/Full - Actual/Plan

Material costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

Surcharge for material MargCosts/FIX/Full costs - Actual/Plan

Surcharge for material costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

External Production MargCosts/FIX/Full - Actual/Plan

External Production costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

Production Surcharge Full Costs/MargCosts/FIX - Actual/Plan

Production surcharge costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

Production Total MargCosts/FIX/Full Costs - Actual/Plan

Production costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

Manufacturing Total MargCosts/FIX/Full Costs - Actual/Plan

Manufacturing costs for marginal/full costs of respective plan and actual value.

Cost of Sales MC/FIX/FC - Actual/Plan

Sales cost related to calculation schema

Net MargCosts/FIX/Full Costs - Actual/Plan

Net price related to calculation schema

Gross MargCosts/FIX/Full Costs - Actual/Plan

Gross price related to calculation schema

Production: Type

Production type


Customer code

Customer name

Customer name


Order document


Project number

Additional text

Additional text

Project Manager 1,2

Project Manager 1,2

Project Status

Project Status


template fields


user-defined fields


Functions in the view


The row is removed from the view. No data are deleted.


Number of structure steps to be displayed. Use this to hide sub-assemblies in the display.


Display the results for currently selected  production item (lower screen) in calculation schema See Results detail.

Cost center

Open result window with cost center view for the currently selected item. See Post-calculation- profit centers.


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