By Warehouse

MRP > Order recommendation: overview > Order recommendation view > Info Area > MRP Warehouse

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This tab is only visible for items set as Inventory by warehouse.


The purpose of the tab is to check status of each warehouse and see minimum stock levels.

Information can be accessed also when Notifiy of minimum inventory / warehouse is not active.

The displayed information is identical to Inventory data > By Warehouse in the Item master data.


Window mrp_view_masterrahmen.psr


The information in the Inflow and Outflow tab is filtered according to the warehouse(s) selected in the By Warehouse tab.

The highlighted top row in the Inflow and Outflow shows the total "Minimum inventory" and the balance as well. Select a warehouse by clicking in the Display field, and an asterisk (*) appears right of the Inflow and Outflow tab name (see image above), indicating that the filtering is done according to warehouses.

Changing the selection in the by Warehouse field automatically changes the balance in the Inflow and Outflow tab.

Attention: Once you select another tab of the window, the filter in this tab is reset.

See the complete function in the following video:


Note: The information displayed in the Tab corresponds to the Real time (and not the MRP calculation).

Item Version:  Inventory information is not displayed by I-Version in this tab.


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