help-zahnrad Cost Center

Financials > Business Performance > Master data > Cost Center

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This sub-program is used to record all cost centers.


PATH: Financials > Business Performance > Master Data > Cost Center.


Window bab_kst_browse.psr





Import from SAP

Import Cost center definitions from SAP in the window that opens. Select any or all entries, click Apply and close the window.





Select cost center to import.


Description of cost center

Cost Center

Cost Center ID

Valid from/to

The From – To dates of validity


Checked if Cost center is active


Click this button to import selected cost center definitions from SAP.

Select All

Select all entries in the window.

Window bab_kst_import_from_sap.psr


Check Distribution keys

Perform master data checks and correct errors in the opening window if necessary. Note that the master data checks will be run by Beas also at the time the AC calculation report is executed. If the above rules are not respected,  a blocking message is displayed, and the AC Cost report IS NOT CALCULATED. You must correct the master data before you can run a new Absorption Costing calculation.


Create a new cost center.


Remove selected cost center.


Create a duplicate of the selected cost center.


Open Reports.


Close window without saving changes.

Search field

Search for cost centers in the list.


Field Descriptions



Cost Center

Master code of cost center.


Text field for describing the cost center.

Distribution key fix

Distribution key: fixed.

Distribution keys for distributing fixed costs shares. The keys must have previously been defined in Distribution Keys. The cost center will not be distributed if no key is defined.


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Distribution key .var

Distribution key: variable.

Distribution keys for distributing variable costs shares. The keys must have previously been defined in Distribution Keys. The cost center will not be distributed if no key is defined.


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Pre-Distribution key fix

Pre-distribution key: Fixed master code of the distribution keys for the appropriate cost elements. These distribution keys need to be defined before in the Distribution Keys The cost center will not be pre-distributed if no key is defined.



Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Pre-Distribution key .var

See above (same for variable costs).


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.


Possible Assignments:

- Labor Cost (only direct labor costs)

- Material (only direct material costs)

- No (no allocation).

As Cost Unit

Definition whether this cost center shall be a cost unit. (Y/N)

For Absorption Costing purposes, it is recommended to set all Center Centers with setting "As Cost Unit" = No. If you are using the other Business Performance features, you might set it to yes when needed.


Pre-distribution defines whether costs can be distributed to a cost center with a main cost center code or subordinate cost center code, and whether these costs are redistributed by the cost centers in the main distribution.

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