Cost Center – Edit

Financials > Business Performance > Master data > Cost Center > Cost Center - Edit

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In this window you can edit a cost center.


PATH: Financials > Business Performance > Master Data > Cost Center > Open an entry.


Window bab_kst_edit.psr





Cost Center

Definition of cost center.

Production activity

Definition of production activity.

Cost center groups

To which cost center group this cost center belongs.


Display of received cost center.


Display of received cost center.


Tab "Cost center"



Cost Center

Cost center ID


Text field for describing the cost center.


Identification of the type of costs assigned to this cost center:

- Labor Cost (only direct labor costs)

- Material (only direct material costs)

- No (no allocation).

As Cost unit

Definition whether this cost center shall be a cost unit.

Distribution key fix

Possibility to assign a fixed distribution key.


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Distribution key var.

Possibility to assign a variable distribution key.



Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Pre Distribution key fix

Possibility to assign a fixed pre-distribution key.


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Pre Distribution key var.

Possibility to assign a variable pre-distribution key.


Note: A cost center cannot have a distribution and a pre-distribution key at the same time!
A cost center with either a distribution or pre-distribution key must be set to "As Cost Unit" = No. See setting below.

A cost center cannot have a distribution or pre-distribution key that distributes to the cost center itself.

Belongs to amount of LMC costs

Defines whether the costs of the cost center should be added into the base for manufacturing costs. As a rule, this applies only to manufacturing cost centers.

Belongs to amount of production costs (COGS)

Defines whether the costs of the cost center should be added into the base for production costs. As a rule, this applies only to materials and production cost centers.

Belongs to Sum of production costs 2 (HK2)

Defines whether the costs of the cost center should be added into the base for production costs 2. Production costs 2 are an additional surcharge base. 

Calculate surcharge

Here you can specify the value for the surcharge calculation in the Business performance run.

All costs of this cost center are set in relation to:


Total cost of the cost center – Direct labor cost – manufacturing materials / direct labor cost * 100


Total cost of the cost center – Direct labor cost – manufacturing materials / manufacturing materials * 100

Non Material Mfg Cost (LMC):

Total cost of the cost center / base manufacturing costs * 100

Production Cost (COGS):

Total cost of the cost center / base production costs * 100

Production costs 2 (HK2):

Total cost of the cost center / base production costs 2 * 100

'No' no calculation of a surcharge

Calculate Cost Rate


To calculate a (service) hourly rate (total costs of the cost center/sum of total recorded service hours of the cost center)


No calculation of a (service) hourly rate on the basis of Text field for storing a base for the cost rate calculation, for example “piece” or “hour”. Additionally, this field defines the base the cost rate calculation refers to.

Absorption Costing

Usage of the  Cost Center of Absorption Cost.

(If "Absorption Costing" for Business Performance is defined in the Beas Configuration wizard).


Right-click Functions




Duplicate selected cost center.


Remove selected cost center.

Preceding/Next entry

Go to the previous or next Cost center editing options.




Tab "Production activity"






Planned monthly value of the basic quantity on this cost center.


Actual monthly value of the basic quantity on this cost center.


Difference (actual – planned).


Data can serve to determine planned cost rates. Actual hours are taken from wage accounting interface or registered manually.


Tab "Cost center groups"



Cost Center Group

Cost center group.


Description of cost center group.

Cost rate

Cost rate of the cost center group.




Tab "Assessment"



Receiving cst ctr.

Received cost center.


Description of received cost center.


Tab "Pre Distribution"



Receiving cst ctr.

Pre-distributed cost center.


Description of pre-distributed cost center.

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