File tab

Administration > Data Integration Hub > Data integration hub > Import Definition > File

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PATH: Administration > Data Import/Export > Data Integration Hub > Open Import definition.

In the File tab you can define a file or source to be imported.


Window importkopf_edit.psr




File type

Excel: Imports an excel file.

Note for Excel import:

Microsoft Excel must be installed.

Important Notes for import in service mode:

Importing from Excel in service mode requires a number of correct settings in the windows system.

1. Microsoft Excel must be installed on the computer; it performs the import.

2. The following folders must exist as they are crucial for the operation of Excel when it is to be executed in unattended mode.



3. Beas converts the xls? files to CSV internally. Beas needs files with a ";" as separator. The separator for lists can be set in the regional settings of the computer.


ODBC: Imports an OBDC file. An SQL-statement - and optionally - a DSN connection string needs to be provided.
Tab, semicolon, comma: Determines the separator in a CSV file.
Any other separator can also be entered manually.


Note: Only Encoding ANSI (Windows-1252) and  UTF-8 are supported.

See description in File name.

File name


To define the import schema, the file must be available and contain all fields.

The file name may not begin with "select" or "exec" because this would be interpreted as an SQL statement. In this case the file will automatically be entered as an ODBC type.


After selecting the file name, click on the import symbol Import_symbol left of the field to update the file information.



The setup of the file must be identical for all subsequent imports. The name and order may not change.

To import excel-files, Microsoft Excel must be installed.



Configuration is ignored but the following rules apply for import definitions:

All fields that are to be imported must be included.
All fields must be filled with the max. length, because this is used as default for the max. length.  In the field definition, the length indication can be changed.
Function attributes can be changed. See Extended.


Special characters in format &#...; e.g. Ä -> Ã are allowed. Special characters in format &...; e.g. € are not fully supported.


File size:

It is recommended to keep the file as small as possible, because it is always fully read.


It is not possible to import large files > 1 MByte or > 10 000 Lines.  It is allowed by the program, but the procedure may take considerable amount of time. In this case it is recommended to split the files in smaller parts.


File Encoding:

The System tries to read every File encoding. But only UTF-8 encoding is working completely without problems with all  windows regional settings. If you use a different Encoding, converting may not work properly.


How to check the file format:


1. Open the import file with Notepad ++  and click on "Encoding".

2. Check if the point on "Encode in UTF-8". If not, change the export program: File format = UTF-8



Note: Only Encoding ANSI (Windows-1252) and UTF-8 are supported.

SQL statement

Only visible for the ODBC type.


For the ODBC file type a SQL-statement can be entered, which is used to filter the imprt. The result of this SQL-statement can be imported.

After defining the SQL-statement and the DSN string, click on the import symbol Import_symbol left of the field to update the file information.


For further information, see DSN below.



select top 100 "ItemCode","ItemName" from "OITM" where "ItemName"<>''


Only visible for the ODBC type.


Nothing is required if the SQL-statement occurs on the current, registered database.


If an ODBC connection string is entered, a connection is established to the ODBC driver, using the given parameter, and the statement is executed there.


If it is an MSSQL server, the ODBC driver beas_sap can be used.



Connection to an MSSQL-database.




Quotation marks

This option is hidden when XML-files are selected.

If the elements are in quotes, multi-line text inputs are also possible.




"A001","My Description"

"A002","First Line

Second Line"

"A003","Third Item"

XML without structure

Usually a file is built as follows:









There are also programs where the values are in consecutive order instead of a structure.






To import these structureless values, mark the XML without structure checkbox . All imported values of the preceding line are copied to the next line.


Result of the lower table with "as structure":









Result of the lower table with "as structure":












In this manner, you have all relevant information in the third line.

Column definition in line

Defines the line in which the column definitions are stored in the CSV file.

Max.. lines

The number of lines to be imported.


A part of the selected import file is displayed here.

An Excel file is displayed in CSV-format.

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