Edit operation in pool list

Terminal and WEB APP > Terminal > Production apps > Pool Report > Edit operation in pool list

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Using the Pool list the window "Edit operation in pool list" can be called up.

PATH: Production > Factory Data Capture > Terminal > "Pool Report" app > double-click an entry.


Here, you have the following possibilities:

- Logon/Logoff operation

- Issue material

- View activities and stored images


Activities / Images

Right above the activity is displayed (Operation - activity description). Click the photo icon kamera to display images stored in
a) Operation

b) Item master

c) Resource

d) Tool


Click on the Instructions symbol and the Instructions dialog window opens. Add instructions to the work order here.


Material list

In the lower part the material requirement list is displayed. All entries not belonging to the selected operation or posted automatically are displayed in gray. Material positions posted automatically or backflushed are marked with a green dot.




Item ID


Item description


Planned quantity for the Work order


Already posted for this work order

Remaining quantity

Remaining quantity yet to produce


Total item inventory

All quantities are displayed in consumption units





F2 Issue

Issue the currently selected position. Only possible if the selected line is not grey. The "material issue screen" is called up.

F3 Confirm

Visible only if the operation is logged on. Then you can insert all relevant  information to log off the operation in the Time receipt window which opens.

Order start

The order is started. Visible only if the order was not started before. The window "Order logon" is opened.


Visible only if behind the selected operation a QC-order was stored. Measurement position can be registered. The window "QC-order" is opened.


Print the current view or Macro selection, if stored.


Window: fert_afo_anmelden

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?fert_afo_anmelden.htm