Edit stocktaking

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory (Stocktaking) > Initial stock, stock tracing and booking > Edit stocktaking

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PATH: Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory Opening Balance (initial stock window) > Inventory Administrate button.

Window mw_inventory_header_stocktaking.psr






ID of this process



Item From / To


Item property


Item group

Filter: can be used to narrow down the number of items to be counted. Only creation of stocktaking / counting list is affected. The "register new" feature is not affected.


Status of inventory: registration, booked, closed.


Warehouse for which a stocktaking is to be performed. Use the drop down-arrow to select warehouse areas.


Note: Beas inventory is not compatible with SAP Bin Managed or WMS-managed warehouses.


You cannot select only not bin-managed warehouses or Beas bin-managed warehouses.

Warehouse areas

Selected warehouse areas.

Pricing for correction accounting


Note: Only prices > 0 are taken into account.

Pricing type cannot be changed subsequently.

If prices are changed, you cannot correct them as long as stocktaking was not completed.

See Inventory list – new valuation.

The "last purchase price" will be used if no price was stored in the indicated price list.

Note: on continuous pricing

The price determined here cannot be considered at issue, if continuous pricing is active and the material had to be issued because of a negative difference. For issues, generally the pricing stored in the item will be used.

Inventory valuation date

If corrections are required, these will be posted with this date.


Note: At the moment of posting, the date may be in future only if this was allowed in SAP Business One > Administration > System initialization > Document settings > Allow future posting date


See Difference posting.


Select an account to book the values.

Stock increase / reduction

If to use another than the standard account, enter the account here.

Reference text for correction

The entered reference text will appear in correction bookings.

Comment for correction

The entered notes will be added to correction bookings.  Beas place holders are supported eg. <today> for the date, at which the posting was performed

Journal Memo

Content of this field will be copied to SAP Business One document "goods receipt" into field "Journal remark", this information is saved in the journal entry.

If this field is empty, then default value will be assigned by SAP Business One automatically.

Start date

Time and date, user who started the stocktaking.

Posting date

Time and date, user who started the last difference posting.

Closed at

Date and user who closed the inventory.

As template Save

This stocktaking will be saved as "Inventory Template".






Saves stocktaking and closes window.


Cancellation without saving.


Deletes the selected stocktaking.


Stock is posted into the system.


Completes the inventory, and displays it in initial stock > Closed tab.


back to Initial stock

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