Time evaluation

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Attendance > Time evaluation

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Attendance.




Display times

Specifies whether times are displayed in time minutes (1/60) or industrial minutes (1/100).


settings affects only time evaluation, not other program features

Logoff automatically

If an employee logs on and stays more than 22 hours without logging off, this is interpreted as if he forgot to logoff. In this case, a new logon is blocked.


The behavior for this case can be set up:


Enable automatic logoff:

The employee can logon again. Then:

- an error message is issued "too long present"

- a log entry is created, the employee is marked with an error

- the attendance entry gets a mark "incorrect entry"


Note: to logoff correctly, the employee needs to press the "Leave" button.


Disable automatic logoff:

The employee can neither logon nor logoff
To correct the entry: Personnel master > Edit
Button - open clocking/clockout - delete entry

Attendance times: enter attendance of previous day manually

beas 9.5 PL:06 Variable automaticlogoff

Totals by Week

If this option is activated, the time analysis produces a total per week.

Account Overflow

This option determines whether account overruns are only checked at month-end or every day.

Carry fwd negative balance

If this option is activated, minus hours will be carried forward to the next month.



Time evaluation

Configuration Time evaluation

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202102/index.html?zeitauswertung2.htm