Production (Pegging setting)

MRP > MRP Wizard > MRP scenario planning > Detail > Pegging and replenishment > Production (Pegging setting)

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Detailed MRP scenario settings related to Production.


PATH: MRP > MRP Wizard > Select a scenario > click the Open button > Detail tab.





Goods receipt from production

This option refers to balance calculation. If enabled (as default), includes planned goods receipts from production and negative BOM items in the MRP calculation. These are used as “Inflow” when calculating MRP inventory flow.


The warehouse stored in the work order or in the negative BOM is used for receipt.

If in the Configuration Wizard a receipt warehouse is stored, this is used as reference. This applies only, if  special warehouses need to be considered.


Planning scenarios – warehouse

Plannings scenarios – detail – warehouse filter

Configuration wizard – Posting

Goods issue for production

If this option is activated, planned production issues (BOM) are taken into account in the MRP calculation.

Negative BOM items are not considered.

Consider blocked production orders

By default the blocked production orders are not taken into consideration in the MRP. Disabled by default.

Consider planned orders (production)

Planned Work orders are taken into consideration in the MRP, even if they are blocked. Enabled by default.

Consider planned maintenance orders

If active, planned maintenance orders for which no work order has been created yet, are taken into account.

For breakdown, the bill of material assigned in the maintenance plan is used. At the moment the work order is created for the maintenance order, the maintenance order will no longer be considered. The requirement will then be determined from the work order, but only if the Good Issue for Production option is enabled.

Production Demands consider?

If this option is enabled, production requests that have been created by order recommendation are considered for the current MRP run. Enabled by default.


Note: The system make always a breakdown from first level and from all order related sub levels.
Stock related sub levels: use setting "Breakdown suba-ssemblies" defined in sales order area.

If you create a production request from sales order with linked precalculation, the system ignores this in the production demands.

Breakdown subassemblies

Defines how to breakdown sub-assemblies. If sub-assemblies are not covered by inventory, production, or purchases, these are further broken down. Here, the user can select if pegging is grouped by day, week or month. Creating groups of pegging will cut the link to the current pegging.

 There is a work order for item “A” with the following structure:

 Finished Goods “A”

         Sub-assembly “B”

                 Purchase Item “C”

Beas checks if there is enough inventory for sub-assembly “B” or if there is a scheduled receipt (requirement coverage calculation). If nothing is found, assembly B is broken down, thereby determining the requirement for material C, though there is no production order. Here, material C is firmly linked to the pegging (production order, assembly A).



This setting is ignored at production demand consideration, and the system uses breakdown definition from the Sales area.

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