Customer specific adjustments

Production > Product Configurator > Configurations > Configurator (integrated) > Customer specific adjustments

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Various options are available for the product configurator to make it easier to implement customer-specific adjustments. For example:


hmtoggle_plus1Navigation area "Results/Prices"


Window prd_links2.psr


e.g. for further use of data from this detail area after the configuration. Reading out the data is only possible at runtime of the configurator. Therefore, the windowevent "post_result" is available.


This is, of course, only possible if the detail area is processed during the configuration. Therefore, a Beas script for the configurator window is necessary (file prd_links2.src") and a customer specific table is created in the database for storing these data.

Example for a customer specific table:






VARIANTE        int

LINE                int

PARAMETER        varchar(50)

DESCRIPTION        varchar(200)

PRICE                numeric(19,6)

CURRENCY        varchar(10)



//* Example for fetching "result/price" data

//* from detail area line by line into database


//* (c) Beas GmbH


windowevent post_result










 // Read all line of detail area










end event


windowevent postsave

 // Called after configuration was stored in database.

 // you must have have a corresponding result table in database


 // Read all lines of datastore and transfer to table


 // delete already existing data for actual variant number

 sql=delete from "BEAS_CUSTOMER_PC_RESULT" where "VARIANTE" = <str_parm.c_parm1,num(0)>


 //  write all lines from datastore into database




        values(<str_parm.c_parm1,num(0)>,<loop,num(0)>,<dtw.paramater.value,dbstring>,<dtw.content.value>,    &




 // destroy datastore with


end event



hmtoggle_plus1Navigation area "Definitions"


Window prd_links2.psr


Check entries:

If you want to check the entries after storing a configuration (only if all parameter values are stored in the database), this is only possible via a customer-specific script programming. This check is usually done when the configuration is finished.


//* Short Example for checking parameter entries

//* after storing into database for defined variant


//* (c) Boyum IT Solutions GmbH



windowevent open

global function test_parameter

 // test whether parameter 'form' was inserted

 select Coalesce("INHALT",'')  &


   where "VARIANTE" = <str_parm.c_parm1,num(0)>  &

     and "Parameter" = 'FORM'

 if <wert1> = then

   message=Value for Parameter 'Form' was not inserted.

   return failure

 end if

 // re-set flag (all checks ok)


end global

end event


windowevent click button_ok

// Button OK/Update pressed

if <global.v_ok_button> n= 1 then

  // configuration stored,

  // Call function for testing parameter


end if

if <return> n= -1 then

  return failure

end if

end event


windowevent postsave

// set flag to identify, if configuration was stored


end event


windowevent click button_close

// Button 'Cancel' was pressed

// re-set flag


end event


windowevent click button_varianteladen

// Button 'load variant' was pressed

// re-set flag


end event


windowevent click button_variantekopieren

// Button 'Copy variant' was pressed

// re-set flag


end event



hmtoggle_plus1Navigation area "Groups"


(Only one group is open at a time)
Window prd_links2.psr


By default, the selected and current group is opened, and all other groups remain closed. This is just for clarity when using multiple groups that have many input or selection possibilities.

If you wish to keep all groups open constantly in the navigation area, this can be adjusted by setting a system variable directly in the database. Then, with every change in the details area on the right side, all variables must be re-determined in the groups on the left. This may lead to performance problems in case of complex configurations.


Open the Debug window, switch to Script tab, enter and execute the following script:

> all groups are open:                                setsetup=pconfig_block_close=N

> only the current group is open (default):        setsetup=pconfig_block_close=Y

Table:                BEAS_SYS_SETUP

Variable:        pconfig_block_close                

Content:        N - all groups open

         Y - only current group is open (default)


If this variable was not yet set or changed, the entry is missing. It needs then to be entered initially.

insert into "BEAS_SYS_SETUP"("BENUTZER","VARIABLE_ID","INHALT") values('','pconfig_block_close','N')


If the variable is already in use, you only need to change it:

update "BEAS_SYS_SETUP" set "INHALT" = 'Y'  where "VARIABLE_ID" = 'pconfig_block_close'



hmtoggle_plus1Details area


Window prd_links2.psr


For changes in the details area (right side of the configurator window) the tabulator can be used to jump to the next field. The cursor is placed at the beginning of the field. In an already filled box, the cursor is positioned before the entry.

If you do not need this functionality, it can be changed via beas script to "Auto-Select". Then, if the cursor jumps to the next input field, and if there is already a text, it will be selected/marked.

For this purpose, a script file "prd_links2.src" is required for the product configurator window.

windowevent postopen

  if <dw_2.dataobject> = program\prd_rechts.psr then


  end if

end event



hmtoggle_plus1Check for existing configurations

Before saving a new configuration, based on a parameter string (a string that consists of all the parameters and set-objects and of their assigned content) the program checks whether this configuration already exists. If yes, the existing configuration is loaded. Otherwise, the configuration is created and saved under a new variant number.


As an additional option, you can also incorporate the short name into the check. Thus, it would be possible to store two configurations with equal but different short names (with different version numbers). For this purpose, an entry must be made in the Beas system table.

Open the Debug window, switch to Script tab, enter and execute the following script:

> normal function (Standard):                                                        setsetup=pconfig_check_desc=N

> Check for existing configurations via parameter string and short description:        setsetup=pconfig_check_desc=Y

hmtoggle_plus1Get Values when calling the configurator

Should values from the current line or also from the "header" of the Sales Order or Quotation of the SAP form needed for the Beas configurator, this can be done with a simple scripting.


For this, the configurator window requires a stored Beas script in the file "prd_links2.src".




windowevent preopen

  if <parent:sys_formtypeex> n= 139 or <parent:sys_formtypeex> n= 149 then

 // only if Sales Order or Quotation

 // get Cardcode from SAP form

 setvar=e_cardcode=<parent:item 4>

           // get Product-ID

 setvar=e_product=<parent:item 38=col=U_produkt>

  end if

end event


With this definition, the variables [e_cardcode] and [e_product] are known after calling the product configurator and can be used in the coding.

hmtoggle_plus1Configuration description


Window prd_links2.psr


It is not reasonable to fill the field "Description" with very long information if the configuration is complex (object type "Definitions", tab "Brief Description" and "Description"). The field "Brief Description" is, as the field says, a short name for the currently configured item (max. 255 characters).


With a database query you get all result information of the respective configuration/variant:

hmtoggle_plus1Example (MS-SQL)

select  bop."PARAMETER"+'' as parameter, bop."BEZEICHNUNG"+'' as description_coding,

        bcv."BEZEICHNUNG"+'' as description, substring(bcv."INHALT",1,1024)+'' as "content"


where substring(bop."PARAMETER",1,50) = bcv."PARAMETER"

and bop."ItemCode" = 'SE0001'

and bop."TYP" = 0

and bcv."VARIANTE" = 43




First, it should be clarified when the data for the respective configuration is needed at all:

- after leaving the product configurator

hmtoggle_plus1Example file

// *****************************************************************

// customer specific development


// Example: get data of a configurated item after closing


// (c) Boyum IT Solutions GmbH

// *****************************************************************

windowevent close




 dtw=select bop."Parameter"||'' as "Parameter",   &

            bop."BEZEICHNUNG"||'' as Description_coding,  &

            bcv."BEZEICHNUNG"||'' as "Description",  &

            substring(bcv."INHALT",1,1024)||'' as "Content" &


       where substring(bop."Parameter",1,50) = bcv."Parameter"  &

       and bop."ItemCode" = <str_parm.s_parm1,dbstring>  &

       and bop."TYP" = 0  &

       and bcv."VARIANTE" = <str_parm.c_parm1,num(0)>


 // put now your coding to process the data appropriately  (with example)

 for loop=1 to <dtw.rowcount>






   // your coding




 // clear datastore


 return success

end event


- For a report that is called up from a quotation line or a sales order, for example

 (This could be done in a similar way as for leaving the product configurator).

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