Scripting Precalculation

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Scripting for calculation of surcharges in Precalculation. Entered in Script administration > Edit > upper window

For Pre- and for Post-calculation the scripts need to be created separately.
Calculation objects – Scripting
Scripting post-calculation


Create script

Three writable variables are available for marginal costs, full costs and description. Special variables are available for accessing calculation results.


Writeable variables:




Set full costs for the current object.

Example: setvar=fccost=<sum.fc.labor>


Set marginal costs




youtube Example: Material cost + 5€


hmtoggle_plus1Example: set L+M costs


Variables: you can access the following special variables


Material costs without costs for external operation


External operation costs


Material surcharge


L+M costs at marginal costs


L+M costs at full costs


Material + External operation + L+M cost at marginal costs


Material + External operation + L+M cost at marginal costs



Currently calculated lot size


Current assembly to be calculated (usually 1)


Calculation number. If <= 0, temporary calculation


Calculation number, linked to an offer, sales order or advance invoice via field „u_beas_precalcnr

There is no 1:1-linkage to a customer order. A calculation can be stored in several documents.


Client number, stored in calculation



Place holders return values in Windows regional format with 6 digits.


hmtoggle_plus1Complete example of use

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