
Production > Capacity Planning, APS > Graphic View > Move

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Work sequences can be freely moved in the graphical view.

You can configure what happens after the move:


No action

Work sequence can be moved freely. The position or positions is/are dispatched to new position, but not selected and not booked During re-scheduling, the position may be moved again to a different point.


After the move, the positions is re-dispatched and highlighted. If scheduling is then performed, all production orders in which the work sequences are marked are recalculated. As there is no fixing, the work sequence may be moved again during re-scheduling.

Selecting and fixing

After the move, the work sequence is specified, marked and immediately dispatched, making the change immediately visible in the utilization display. Resource limits are not considered. The "forward scheduling" method is used for dispatching.

Select, fix at  resource limits

After moving, APS searches for the first "time gap", i.e. the work sequence may be shifted to the future if no resources are free. At this point it is then fixed, selected and dispatched forward without further resource limits.

fix, dispatch and bind

The next free time window is sought into which the position can be inserted completely.


The setting is entered under Edit plan - Views (this is then the default setting) or

Right-click on a white part of the graphical view. The menu then includes the setting

"After Movement" available. A change remains active until the window is closed.



Once moved, the position is calculated or dispatched.

The following work sequences are NOT rescheduled.


For this reason, the moved work sequences are marked with a red arrow (except for the “No action” movement type).

The "Dispatch forward" function or other calculation methods are used to completely re-schedule work sequences selected in this way.

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